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So, What is the Sanitary Pod?

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10 years ago
Oct 22, 2014, 1:38:57 PM
I'm not fully sure what this pod is. I unlocked it after completing a multiplayer game and passing floor 10 and thought it was maybe the Infirmary Pod since that is unlocked by winning with the escape pod (The pod we used). Yet I do not have the Infirmary Pod unlocked. I just want to know is this a new pod that isn't finished yet and unlocked in multiplayer or is this just the Infirmary Pod and I'm suffering an unlocking glitch. Cause I would love certain Pods being unlocked in multiplayer, that way Dungeoneers will have to face the chaos of multiplayer smiley: twisted
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10 years ago
Oct 22, 2014, 1:46:52 PM
It is a pod not currently available in this build. It basically is the Hard Mode of the game.

It isn't unlocked per se through multiplayer, though multiplayer makes it easier to unlock it - it is unlocked by beating the game without pausing.
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