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BUG: Free items in multiplayer

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10 years ago
Oct 22, 2014, 6:54:00 PM

I tried out multiplayer for the first time last night. It's absolutely fantastic and I think you guys really nailed it. However, we noticed an interesting bug while playing.

I was hosting the game. Whenever my friend would make a purchase from a merchant, the merchant would take my resources instead of his. Sometimes, he wouldn't be charged at all for the item and get it for free. Here's what I think were the behaviors that we observed.

  • If we both had sufficient resources to buy the item in question, it would use my resources to make the purchase.
  • If my friend had sufficient resources and I didn't, my friend would get the item for free.
  • If neither of us had sufficient resources and he tried to make a purchase, he would get a notice saying he didn't have enough resources.

I did not experience any strange behaviors whenever I made purchases. Hope that helps!

EDIT: Also, a suggestion. Once you guys sort this bug out, please allow a way to trade inventory items between players (unless there already is one?). Thanks!
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10 years ago
Oct 22, 2014, 7:30:47 PM
This bug has already been fixed and will ship with the next update.
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