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Well, Im sorta stuck, help?

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10 years ago
Oct 23, 2014, 8:21:45 PM
Ok, so my question is...Who is better in your OPINION, Hikensha or Joleri or Skr0ig. I need a top two for my first selection picks, i have no clue which one of them i should leave out.
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10 years ago
Oct 23, 2014, 9:10:26 PM
They are very different.

The real question is what do you look for in a starting line up?

Hikensha can operate after a certain level. Skroig gets Red Plume. Joleri has reduced dust loot but is the one with the most survivability if I remember correctly. Skroig and Joleri both are fast. Hikensha wields a sword, Joleri and Skroig use spears. They are all natives, meaning they are cheap to level but have slightly worse stat progression than guards or prisoners.
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10 years ago
Oct 24, 2014, 5:48:33 AM
Hey all,

Like melkathi says, it does depend on what kind of team you want to put together.

Hikensha is a good all-rounder, with alright stats across the board. Her abilities make her useful as a scout opening doors in the dark, but her average speed and DPS means she often needs or ends up needing support when things get hairy.

I would go with Skroig, even though he is less customizable (with no armour slot). His +food abilities and Red Plume make him great at holding down a chokepoint or a dust farm, and he's quick enough to have him help out others.

The most important downside is that he doesn't operate, which means he'll end up playing a roaming DPS support like Troe.
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