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A Couple Reviews and other things for DotE

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10 years ago
Oct 27, 2014, 10:54:45 AM
I may have missed it, but I could not find a sticky thread for Dungeon of the Endless reviews. Don't hesitate to merge mine whenever you want.



"It hasn’t been long since the release of Endless Legend, Amplitude Studios’ turn-based strategy game that challenged the norms of a 4X game, and now they have a new game that also shines with absolute uniqueness."

"Dungeon of the Endless is something fresh and exciting, with quaint pixel art that fits a roguelike, and a beautiful soundtrack that reminds you your playing another one of Amplitude’s Endless games."
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10 years ago
Oct 27, 2014, 12:43:22 PM
A french one : http://www.computergamesfrance.com/test-279-dungeon-of-the-endless-pc.html


"Telles les frites trempées dans le Nutella, Dungeon of the Endless arrive a célébrer l'union improbable de deux styles: le rogue-like et le tower defense. Et c'est délicieux."

"Dungeon of the Endless a décidément réussi le pari osé de toucher à tout sans se casser la figure. On ne se lasse pas du titre qui a un très gros potentiel de rejouabilité."
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