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Stats of the Seblaster module? very odd

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10 years ago
Oct 29, 2014, 11:01:44 PM
So this module / turret does 5 damage to the monsters and 20 damage to the heroes?

Then it says 28 damage in 100 radius.

Questions :

1) This thing has two damage stats, is it really attacking for 5 damage while doing 28 damage AOE?

2) What's up with the damage to the hero? Are those turrets meant to be in a room without heroes? (20 might seem small but it adds up if you pot 3-4 of them.)

3) How big exactly is 100 radius? Most things affect the whole room, so it's a bit strange when the game throws radius numbers at you.
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10 years ago
Oct 30, 2014, 12:57:15 AM
1) No idea smiley: smile Hope you'll get an answer.

2) Yes

3) I think 100 is more than the whole room. It is usually status effects that affect the whole room, while damage has range. So 100 seems to be a number picked for being larger than any room they'll ever plan to do.
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