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Different Strategies

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10 years ago
Oct 21, 2014, 2:42:57 PM
I know quite a few of us have used some of the same strategies to survive. Mostly sending out one ranger and having the rest man stations.

Personally I try and have at least one room in each direction around the crystal open and powered at all times. This way I have a defensible position and often a node there before I explore the other direction(s) and the big waves start spawning. I also try and make it as painful as possible for the creatures to reach a node and my heroes. Slow module combined with a few Tesla modules is awesome. Get a few of these between spawn areas and your defense room and heroes can kill 'em in moments since the Teslas attack quickly and do decent damage. I also usually have defense boost with massive attack nodes in a node room. The node will cause the rock giants to attack it first, spreading out the damage from the heroes.

Often on Floor 3/4 I'll explore all the way around the crystal room while leaving the crystal door sealed so the waves are more manageable. Monsters will spawn far away from the defensible rooms, and the long route will spread them out due to their slow speeds. At this point I'll also use one or two of my heroes to prevent a room from spawning instead of operating a node.

So, anyone else try anything different?
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10 years ago
Oct 21, 2014, 3:27:52 PM
I open each door around the first room so that, should I need to explore in that direction later, no wave will spawn directly adjacent to the crystal.

When I have a door between two explored rooms I leave it shut for the last research.

I use rooms full of tesla modules when silic zoners are in play. Otherwise I'll try combos of other minors. Lately I have been playing with pepper spray in large rooms. Quite fun when it works.
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10 years ago
Oct 21, 2014, 3:48:10 PM
I tend to simply open a door and see if I can make a decent stronghold in it. Then before fortifying I explore A room or two ahead past it to see if they dead end. If they don't then I fortify and continue exploring. Then I light up the rooms as I explore and if It dead ends I un-power those rooms and power the rooms to other sides of the crystal and explore again. In case I end up with 2 choke points then Ill have Tesla in one room with Rayka, and then Seblasters in the other room with my scout killing stragglers. Depending on who I find, I may add a tank to the Seblaster room (Elise/Tulak). If I get a DPS, then I send them to help Rayka, since she sometimes needs help with 5/6+ waves come. My prefered team is Rayka and Mizi, Mizi being scout. Then if I can I try to recuit Elise, for her damage plus tank, and then just a new character to unlock. I do swap out Mizi to have more fun with other scouts, like Sara and Skoirg. Which works out great in MP since I can just have a random player be our scout with their fav character
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10 years ago
Oct 22, 2014, 10:24:17 AM
melkathi wrote:
Lately I have been playing with pepper spray in large rooms. Quite fun when it works.

Currently I'm trying strategies using pepperspray. But none is really effective, first because the mobs are too fast : the "turned" one won't reach the others in time, and it seems that fighting him is the last priority for mobs, they dont stop. The only way I found to make them fight each other is to put a Hollohero. But still, it does not worth it : for a cost of 30 they dont even kill each other... Pepper spray definitely needs a buff IMO
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10 years ago
Oct 28, 2014, 6:06:16 AM

They are absolutely ridiculous if they don't have to focus the big guys. Build 1 KiP and the rest Smokers and watch the enemy get plowed.

When a smoking gun takes out a low hp unit, it actually recharges its heat in the time it takes to switch target. Making them have no negative against massive waves and only problems against mega units. Which the KIP handles with 300 damage blasts to the face
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10 years ago
Oct 29, 2014, 6:36:00 AM
Yep smoking guns are awesome. smiley: smile

My strategy varies depending on room layout. Mostly I try to have a good balance of dark / powered rooms with defensible positions manned by heroes and sometimes towers when necessary.

At the very start I go with engineers to work stations, then in later levels I switch to a team full of fighter, with maybe 1 hero that can repair structures between waves. If I find the medkit (gives repair ability) I prefer to roll with full fighter / tank team. Mainly so I can save resources and not build as many towers. My main objective is to have enough stockpiles to get by level 11 and 12 without building any resource generators, or just a few. If you can do that (cutting back on hero leveling until near the end) you will be able to build generators, making your chances of finishing the last 2 levels much better.

I only played for a couple of days before release, so I am still learning the heroes. My strategies are mainly about economy and placement. smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Oct 30, 2014, 7:49:33 AM
DrakenKin wrote:
Yep smoking guns are awesome. smiley: smile

My strategy varies depending on room layout. Mostly I try to have a good balance of dark / powered rooms with defensible positions manned by heroes and sometimes towers when necessary.

At the very start I go with engineers to work stations, then in later levels I switch to a team full of fighter, with maybe 1 hero that can repair structures between waves. If I find the medkit (gives repair ability) I prefer to roll with full fighter / tank team. Mainly so I can save resources and not build as many towers. My main objective is to have enough stockpiles to get by level 11 and 12 without building any resource generators, or just a few. If you can do that (cutting back on hero leveling until near the end) you will be able to build generators, making your chances of finishing the last 2 levels much better.

I only played for a couple of days before release, so I am still learning the heroes. My strategies are mainly about economy and placement. smiley: smile

just use the base rooms on the levels as production hores.

I usually build the production mod and 4-6 robot pals + 2 workers. At that point I generate 60+ production per turn by door 3. In other words, every single room powered will be fully stocked immediately and anything destroyed is instantly replaced.
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10 years ago
Oct 30, 2014, 8:44:12 AM
Yeah having a massive economy is almost mandatory at the end. I beat it today first time, in MP at that with Mizi, and we were filling early rooms with production and pals, and defensible rooms with teslas and neuron stunners for slows. I was the primary scout and combat unit at the end - I was level 14 by floors 11/12 and all my abilities and my passive buff were tier 2. Hellfire 2 in a big room full of moblings and mob giants, quickly becomes an empty room.
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