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About "surprises" during dialog phase...

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10 years ago
Oct 30, 2014, 1:10:49 PM
I too was surprised recently by Gork murdering Sara. Now I'm a little nervous, because my replacement for Sara was the Chef, and Gork seems to know him as well...

I personally like these interactions, though I do think the penalty is a little steep. It took 5-6 floors to reach the ultimate conclusion of Gork vs. Sara. As a player, if you see the signs, you should be allowed to replace one of your party with someone else without having to wait for the murder, or sending them off to fight in a dark room. Then again, just leaving someone who is already on your team isn't quite right either.

Remember, many of these people are psychopaths and murderers. Those personality quirks will cause problems. Better on the elevator than during a floor battle smiley: wink

Edit: Alternately for those deadly consequences, having a missing ingredient that can diffuse the situation, like a certain other hero, or one of several preferably that can keep the peace would be nice. If they die though then you're back where you started with a ticking time bomb.
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10 years ago
Nov 1, 2014, 6:02:50 PM
TheCrookedCat wrote:
I don't seem to get these kind of interactions......

All I seem to get is some slightly sexual innuendos from all the female characters....."Check if there's a Safe floor full of Hot Chicks", "I haven't had this much fun in an elevator since I found that pallet of lubricant.....never mind"

smiley: rollsweat

Seriously, I died the first time I saw these. Now I want "chain" events to happen. Such as, when a character pops the "hot chicks" line, there's a chance on that run that an "in-between" floor is found with lavish setting, hot chick droids and a random piece of equipment. Or if the "lubricant" line pops, next time you end a floor with 200+ industry the elevator scene is replaced with all heroes lying on the floor, dripping, and one of them says "We shall NEVER speak of this again...", while the original simply says "hehe" and you lose 10-20 industry.
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10 years ago
Oct 31, 2014, 7:38:37 PM
Golgy and Skroig have a fairly amusing dialogue about which one of them will eat the other.

It ended with both of them getting a small stat boost.
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10 years ago
Oct 31, 2014, 3:42:20 PM
I don't seem to get these kind of interactions......

All I seem to get is some slightly sexual innuendos from all the female characters....."Check if there's a Safe floor full of Hot Chicks", "I haven't had this much fun in an elevator since I found that pallet of lubricant.....never mind"

smiley: rollsweat
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10 years ago
Oct 31, 2014, 2:28:15 PM
Hikenshi and Mizi have friendly dialogue, didn't see conclusion because I had to replace Hikenshi to unlock more Heroes
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10 years ago
Oct 31, 2014, 2:26:28 AM
Can somebody add a spoiler tag to the title? There is not a lot of story on this game, would be nice to not spoil those surprises for others smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Oct 30, 2014, 6:14:54 PM
Chef and Suicide guy; Nurse and Wheelchair guy have non-lethal dialogues. You have to clear 4 and 3 levels respectively to hear the full dialogue.
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10 years ago
Oct 30, 2014, 3:55:38 PM
I was poking around trying to find the diagnostics file for obvious reasons and happily accidentally found the file detailing which hero combinations produce the different conversations, still trying to find the one that determines the album unlocks smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Oct 27, 2014, 10:33:03 PM
Just one thing about the dialog phase : started a new game and discovered it for the first time, ofc i started with both Gork and Sara and was a little suprised when Gork just shoot her in the elevator smiley: frown (♥♥♥♥ YOU GORK BTW). Loosing my best char isn't rly the problem (should have seen this coming, btw it's random or Sara have to die against gork ? ) but also loosing her op gear isn't cool smiley: alder

Don't know if other characters may kill each other like this but we should be able to keep their gear.
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10 years ago
Oct 30, 2014, 11:59:56 AM
I'm glad these are getting uncovered! I hope it adds a little more spice and fun to the game.

And don't forget to keep checking the Album...
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10 years ago
Oct 29, 2014, 7:02:31 PM
I got a neat little multi-floor interaction between Max, Hikensha, and Kreyang. It has to do with Max wanting to loot things, and the other two preferring that the place remain un-plundered. Nobody died, and everyone came out with a minor stat% bonus.

Haven't tried it, but there may be a similar exchange between Max and Hix that goes differently if Kreyang isn't there.
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10 years ago
Oct 29, 2014, 3:33:48 PM
cipher86 wrote:
I'm partially thinking about multiplayer as well... someone's going to inevitably lose one of their characters, and be unable to play for a while.

Elevator conversations are disabled for Multiplayer
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10 years ago
Oct 29, 2014, 12:06:36 PM
I had the reverse surprise, where Sara killed Gork in the elevator. A little bit annoying, but also pretty cool, and I still managed to finish the game.

It'd be nice if the game gave you a "replacement hero" in these situations, though - someone waiting behind the first door of the next floor for you to recruit.

Has anyone encountered any other hidden stories or unique elevator conversations like this yet?
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10 years ago
Oct 28, 2014, 4:00:54 AM
arguser wrote:
cipher86, I recommend you suggest that.

I agree that non-viable setups are wrong, it just limits the gameplay variation or freewill. OTOH I love the drama.

I'm partially thinking about multiplayer as well... someone's going to inevitably lose one of their characters, and be unable to play for a while.

I like the drama as well... but I think it'd be fine if the scene where one character kills another took place during the ascent to the credits. Then you get the drama and there's no issue of "well this guy is going to get killed in the next scene so I might as well strip their gear and dismiss them to get the food credit".
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10 years ago
Oct 28, 2014, 3:06:38 AM
cipher86 wrote:
This is actually a feature I strongly dislike. I'm not against character interactions, I'm simply against having certain character setups being made non-viable because one will kill the other during a scripted sequence.

It simply does not belong in a game like this.

cipher86, I recommend you suggest that.

I agree that non-viable setups are wrong, it just limits the gameplay variation or freewill. OTOH I love the drama.
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10 years ago
Oct 28, 2014, 3:02:40 AM
This is actually a feature I strongly dislike. I'm not against character interactions, I'm simply against having certain character setups being made non-viable because one will kill the other during a scripted sequence.

It simply does not belong in a game like this.
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