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Seblaster description unclear

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10 years ago
Nov 1, 2014, 8:20:51 PM
Hi there,

it says in the description of seblaster: Zone damage power on heroes: 20. I thought this meant that the module does 20 damage to heroes. But now I'm not so sure, since the only thing that changes when upgrading the seblaster is that these 20 zone damage power on heroes go up to 26. (As well as the one on npcs).

I would really appreciate a clearer description (also with some other items).

Otherwise very nice game!

Kind regards,
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10 years ago
Nov 1, 2014, 8:46:53 PM
Power is how much damage it does to it's target. For the Seblaster this number is low as it is meant to do area damage.

Zone radius is how far from the target it hits other targets. Within this circle all characters and monsters are hit.

Zone damage power is how much damage everything in this zone takes. You are correct that the damage heroes specifically take does in fact go up with level, as does the damage monsters take.

The basic shot power does not increase as it does area damage. I think the engine requires some non-zero value for this however. The radius does not increase, only the zone damage power to heroes and monsters increases. Do not use this in a small room where your heroes fight or you will suffer.
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