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Some issues.

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10 years ago
Nov 1, 2014, 9:29:27 PM
First of all, a wonderful game as Singerplayer, love it.

But multiplayer does not really make sense in this game with these issues:

1. Item trading/sharing!

2. See the overall resources of the team, its bothersome to keep asking the others, and an gamemode option to have resources shared.

3. Private game rooms.

4. Multiplayer save (For when playing with close friends).

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10 years ago
Nov 2, 2014, 1:43:33 PM
Almost all these issues have been confirmed on this forum as being a priority for future patch by devs. My breif experience with Amplitude is that they not only read the feedback on the forums, but they deliver in timely patches to try and polish their product. To that end , feel free to share future issues you find with the game, know the devs are aware of and working on most of these already, and enjoy the experience of playing great games by an indie company that cares about its products and it's community.
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