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So.....Merchants are pretty bugged.....

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10 years ago
Oct 31, 2014, 4:32:37 PM
So when I started up playing DoTE after launch, I was pretty excited. Everything looked super great, and a ton of new content was added.

....And then I ran into a Merchant.

At first I was like, "Oh? Are the merchants taking certain kinds of items now? Is there a limit to how much I can interact with them?" Turns our that I just couldn't buy/sell items from/to them, and it was a 50-50 percent chance of being able to do any business with them. The bug or glitch would then extend to my inventory, making it so I could not equip items to my hero (un-equiping seems fine though). The inventory bug seemed to go away after you moved onto the next floor.

This bug also seems to extend into multiplayer, making some pretty tense situations. Since resources are already pretty low.

But while playing last night (October 30th, 2014) a new bug popped up. A rather funny one.

It can be summed up into two words. INFINITE INDUSTRY.

The way it worked was I tried selling the Peashooter to the merchant and it wasn't selling so I was getting frustrated until I noticed my Industry was steadily increasing. I keep clicking and it keep increasing by a value of +6. I eventually exited the merchant and the talked to them again to see if the bug was still there and it was.

Now, I can only presume that I would have gotten a infinite number of another resource if it had been a different type of merchant.

As of writing I have been unable to find another merchant to see if this bug persists. I will update if I find that it does, or if it disappears like the other.

Some additonal information;

- I was playing on Easy Difficultly with the Armory Pod.

- My party consisted of Josh, Golgy, Max and Troe.

Here is a shot of it in action.

Just bringing this to your attention. Hope it helps.

UPDATE: The infinite resource exploit disappears like the other bug.
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10 years ago
Oct 31, 2014, 4:41:38 PM
Hilarious. This is very similar to the bug I posted as well. Someone has suggested that this may be due to double clicking on an item when it can be bought/sold and equipped at the same time, which makes sense to me.
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10 years ago
Nov 3, 2014, 2:24:57 AM
I've also run into all of these bugs. Infinite resources from selling an item over and over as well as being unable to buy/sell with random merchants.
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10 years ago
Nov 3, 2014, 4:22:39 AM
One little way to avoid the inventory glitch is to not unequip items from your characters while in the Merchant buy/sell screen that seems to start the inability to equip armour etc. so do that before buying/selling.
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