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What is the base dust loot probablity from monsters?

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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 4:07:17 AM
1) What is the base dust loot probability from monsters?

2) Any idea how much of a percentile bonus an operated Generator gives?

I am trying to evaluate if bonus to dust loot on some heroes like Golgy Phurtiver are worth it or not. It is hard to decide if we don't know the base dust loot chance.
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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 9:38:17 AM
Depends on the mob. Trash mobs have very low chances. Tough ones very high. I think it goes from 10 to 70 percent for non elites. Golgy's pickpocket is quite nice. Cant check the xmls on my phone
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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 9:47:29 AM
Ok seems interesting, and yes I do use Golgy in all my runs. + Max for opening doors.

At level 15, Golgy as +25% and another 5%, for a total of 30% bonus. Do you know if the chance additive or multiplicative?

In other words if the base chance is 70%, does it become 100% (70 + 30) or 91% (70 * 1.3)?

EDIT: If you can open the XML files later, we could probably add the drop chance for each monster to the Wiki.
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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 4:59:21 PM
I can not say with 100% certainty on loot probability, but I believe it is additive. I have seen in other instances percentage bonuses are additive, so I would think that philosophy would be game wide.

For example, if you find a stele that gives -50% hero power, then find another that is another -50% check your hero stats and they will have a 0 attack power, not 25%. Therefore that is additive not multiplicative.

So I would think it would also work that way for loot probability.
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 10:50:48 AM

In fact, the monster Dust loot probability is set between 0 and 1.

The bonus / malus are percentages which are additive between them but multiplicative with the monster Dust loot probability.

In DrakenKin example: 0.7 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.05) = 0.91 (91 %)
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