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logo amplifiers simplified

This game needs its random nature toning back a bit.

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10 years ago
Oct 31, 2014, 10:54:52 AM
I really love the fact that every dungeon is completely random, but... some aspects of it completely destroy this game for me. Take this screenshot as an example:


This is on the *first* level. How the hell am I expected to get the crystal to the exit when I have nowhere near enough dust to make a path? The spawned monsters annihilated me before I could get to the end.

This seems to happen more often than not - the game just doesn't seem to give out enough dust, and I end up dying because I have to take the crystal too far through darkness. I mean, I get that the game is supposed to be fairly difficult, but... I'm playing on 'Easy'. This really doesn't feel very easy to me! I dread to think what a hard mode would be like :/
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10 years ago
Oct 31, 2014, 11:03:37 AM
Game difficulty names are a joke. "Too Easy" is the easy/beginner mode you're looking for. "Easy" is normal/hard mode.

As that room/dust configuration, i guess youre actually lucky to get it on level 1! Doesn't cost much to lose and restart at that point. smiley: mrgreen
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 4:11:13 PM
I believe situations like that aren't as bad as they look. Since you've opened all of the doors there is really no reason to keep that other wing powered unless you have a defense/attack boosting module in place. You could unpower that other wing and power the rooms on the route to the exit and it should make the trek much easier. Doing so would leave only one room unpowered in the direction of the exit.

Edit: Whoops. I didn't look at the screenshot right. That's some bad luck!
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 6:01:06 PM
What I do usually is have the person carrying the crystal set to go all the way to the exit and I have my other person selected so I can have them move from room to room to cover that person. If you have enough food, which is a good thing to build first when starting, then you can heal them as you go.

Definitely a tough layout you got there.
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