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Hmmmm...any one else feeling the Space Hulk vibe?

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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 3:50:10 PM
So far I really like the game and can't wait to see it more polished. Then it hit me. As an avid fan if the Warhammer 40k game back in the 90's, this game reminds me of an older one...since remade several times, called space hulk. Anyone else feeling that vibe here?

Which leads me to wonder...I've never seen anything quite like this hybrid style of game play, and wonder if it could very well become more of a staple in mainstream gaming coomunity. Especially if the MP aspect of it were to really become polished, as I think there is a lot of demand for coop survival style games where players work together to accomplish nearly impossible tasks.

I'd love to see a version of space hulk remade in this vein of gameplay, and I'm sure there are other ideas or world's that it could be adapted to. This thread is just a place to theory craft other great media that might be adapted to the awesome and innovative game design amplitude has made a reality.
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 7:09:57 AM
Yeah, it feels like Space Hulk, thematically speaking. Gameplay wise, I much prefer DotE over Space Hulk's PC game, but Space Hulk the Board Game is a classic... If I had to let go of one of them and let it fall to its death, I'd let go of Space Hulk. Elise Ness may be derived from Space Hulk or Star Craft, the latter of which was derived from Space Hulk anyways.
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 10:01:21 AM
I find Space Hulk so much more stressfull though :P

Still hoping for a Necromunda game on the PC.
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 12:59:30 PM
Holy crap...I remember necromunda! My buddy had the whole hive complex set up for table top play. Such a good variant of the core game. We played that for hours. Man the memories. A PC port would be epic.

Yeah I think I was reminded more of the board game myself when it comes to the Hulk...I o ly have vague memories of the original PC game.
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 4:05:13 PM
I have been pondering turning DotE into a boardgame. With cut out space hulk like rooms and corridors. I even have a playtesting group ready and waiting to go once we are far along for a playtestable version. And guess what, last time we met we played Space Hulk :P

We were talking about DotE board game ideas at gamescom with some of the other VIPs and Mysterarts.
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