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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 4:49:13 AM
Seblaster: TBH I rarely use this. I don't wanna damage my own heroes since some of them are very fragile. Good with a high def team and a healing module I guess.

Very situational but useful, if expensive. If you have a large number of dark rooms, spawning a lot of waves, AND have a large room in front this can chew monsters for you so you can one shot them with your heroes or other turrets. However I never bother making them either unless a room with 6 slots, one of which will be a neurostun.

Do we know the value of the splash damage on tesla? Does it do area damage or jump from monster to monster? How does it work exactly?
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10 years ago
Nov 7, 2014, 3:22:09 PM
Ok so while reading this I was on a level 6 sanitary level. I now finished that game (won) with a lot of turrets built being claymores.

They are surprisingly great. Work much better than on paper. I definitely was greatly underestimating them. My typical setup was half of the room as claymoars, the other smoking guns. Basically the claymores chew the monsters, and the smokes finish them off. Since the smokes have 0.1 attack cooldown, no DPS is wasted compared to other turrets with slower attack.

It was until the later levels (11 and 12) that I started running into trouble with Silic buldozers and I had to up my smokes / KIPs ratio.

The funny thing about them is when you take the crystal to leave the level, and the massive flood can't get to you for long minutes, because their path take them through multiple Claymoars rooms and they keep dying there. Almost makes me wish there was an achievement for killing X amount of monsters... You could probably just destroy everything at the end of the level and replace it with mass claymoars and LANs, then go AFK. smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Nov 7, 2014, 1:49:00 PM
Mysterarts wrote:

35 = 35px radius but with "in game" pixels (2 time bigger in 720p for example).

Here is an illustration of this area:

Idea for holiday mod: claymores launch snowballs smiley: biggrin
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10 years ago
Nov 7, 2014, 10:15:21 AM
Mysterarts wrote:

35 = 35px radius but with "in game" pixels (2 time bigger in 720p for example).

Here is an illustration of this area:

Oh that's much bigger than I had imagined. I guess I was underestimating claymores.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks! smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Nov 7, 2014, 10:01:02 AM

35 = 35px radius but with "in game" pixels (2 time bigger in 720p for example).

Here is an illustration of this area:

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10 years ago
Nov 7, 2014, 6:33:27 AM
Area is small, but there are ways to bunch up the monsters. For instance using one hologram. Even if the hologram will die fast, the monsters will group up when going for it then as they leave they will move close together taking damage from the claymores. Else you have a hero in the room, they will group up around the hero and be in the same area.

But that leads to the question, how big is a 35 area exactly?
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10 years ago
Nov 7, 2014, 6:06:51 AM
If it hit everything in the room I'd agree with you, but it's not like the radius is huge. The price is too high to be of value early on when 11 Industry is a lot. It might be designed as a "late game" module but sometimes it's the only offensive module you can pick to research at the start.

I will keep trying it out though!
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10 years ago
Nov 7, 2014, 12:23:16 AM
Indrid wrote:
Tried using Claymoar again. Seems so weak to me. 11 to build and it takes three shots to kill the blue crystals? Are you kidding me? With shots 2s apart and low damage it's just bad. Do not understand its numbers alongside Tesla.

But it does splash damage. Three shots to kill one blue crystal, or three shots to kill twelve blue crystals that are bunched up. Once the game gets hard, claymoars & seblasters are overwhelmingly more useful than the single-target turrets.
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 9:44:37 AM
Tesla don't do AoE. Tested. So if you want AoE you have to get Claymore or Seblaster.

And I have to say that Bio Organic transfer is great, much better than autodoc. Autodoc is usefull when you have fast Heroes and they can run back to heal and then again to action. Bio ORganic is great for slow, but powerfull heroes with "me first" abilities.
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 12:26:30 AM
What do people think? Bearing in mind I always play with random heroes, in my opinion:


Autodoc Shards - Very good. Well priced at 8 and can make all the difference.

Dust Field Gen - Cheap to research. Good when your heroes have a high defence to begin with, but far more situational that eg Autodoc shards which are pretty much always good with the constant heal.

Operator - Expensive, situational. Though you can see why it is.

Suppressive Firebot - Like Dust Field Gen depends on your heroes, it can be amazing when you have good weapons.


Claymoar: Too expensive IMO. The projectile is too slow and it fires much slower than the Tesla which is always a better choice I think. Also expensive to build! Any module costing >10 has to be very good.

Smoking Gun: Solid weapon, can't really complain.

Prisoner Pod: Really good IMO. Cheap to research and at only 3 it's amazing value at higher levels. Fill up forward rooms with them to weaken things.

Seblaster: TBH I rarely use this. I don't wanna damage my own heroes since some of them are very fragile. Good with a high def team and a healing module I guess.

KIP Cannon: I've not used this since release. I like to spend my research, but a nice idea.

Tesla: Awesome! Well priced at 7, low cooldown, good damage, AoE and cheap to research. Best weapon all round I think.


Bio-organic transference: Very good. But why is it under Hindering modules? It heals you. Should be Support.

Neurostun: A solid module, but I usually give my precious module slots to others. I feel like it should do some DoT as well, and maybe lower the speed debuff to compensate. Would help you build DoT/debuff stacks which is an interesting strat to try.

Tear Gas: Nice. DoT and defense debuff. Solid choice.

Viral Injector: Still not clear on how this works. Does the disease spread to nearby enemies? Sometimes it seems like it does, other times it seems to not. Should debuff attack speed or something perhaps, a bit expensive for what it does.

Holohero: Again why is this a Hindering module? Should be Support. It's okay. Best combined with Neurostun/some other snare I think or the Holo just goes down too fast in later waves, even at level IV. Really expensive too at 14(!). High prices like this makes it very difficult to use early and get value out of. That's almost TWO Autodoc Shards! Luxury choice I think in its current state.
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 2:12:11 AM
Tried using Claymoar again. Seems so weak to me. 11 to build and it takes three shots to kill the blue crystals? Are you kidding me? With shots 2s apart and low damage it's just bad. Do not understand its numbers alongside Tesla.
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 4:39:56 PM
I think the Neurostun is really great for the crystal-run.

If there's a dark-room or unopened door next to the escape-route I place one of them there and it helps the carrier to outrun the monsters.
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 10:54:53 AM
If I build two or more Neurostun modules in a single room, will I get the sum of their effects in percentage? Going to try it on my next run, but probably someone already knows the answer.
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 10:41:22 AM
You forget best module ever PEPPER SPRAY!! It slow down all monsters in room cause there is "enemy in room with them" it is ignored by most of the monsters. Only bad thing is that you cannot have more than 1 in a room. cause they will always focus same target and it's useless. So on in every room you want to fortify. I was using 1 pepper, 1 tesla and 1 tear gas in 3 minor modul rooms and it was great. When I had free slot I used Claymore mine to clear waves of small crystals. They tend to stack together and claymore kill it like no tomorrow.
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 5:37:14 AM
some_idiot21 wrote:
Maybe try scale holohero to the player who built it's level? Maybe have upgrade thing do the % of player's hp? I don't know. Just suggesting/brainstorm to make it valuable.

You're thinking multiplayer. Not everyone plays multiplayer and in single player you have up to 4 heroes. Which should it choose? Anyways, Rank 1-4 is supposed to be how it scales. Adjusting this is the way you should go.
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 12:57:09 AM
Maybe try scale holohero to the player who built it's level? Maybe have upgrade thing do the % of player's hp? I don't know. Just suggesting/brainstorm to make it valuable.
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 12:46:59 AM
I take it you haven't played Refreezerator? When limited to one hero, Neurostun becomes the most important module there is smiley: smile

I think the Holohero needs a significant buff. Or the Dust Field needs to affect it. Most situations where you could need a Holohero, mobs are so powerful, the hologram goes down before you can blink.
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