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WTF...huge power swings in mobs is kinda stupid!

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10 years ago
Nov 8, 2014, 4:47:39 AM
Playing on easy...floor 5. I have the whole map uncovered but the last door. Monsters have been tough er than previous floors, but nothing 2 of my 4 heros, my defense mods, and a little bit of kiting hasn't been able to handle. Haven't even had to use food this floor with 2-3 mob spawns every door. Pretty sure this is the final door and since my defenses are strong I send in the whole team.

This door is part of my original elevator shaft for this floor. No defenses to fall back to but I figure with food and 4 hero's and.a long line of mods any other mobs that spawn will have to walk through...why not.

Now this is why I'm pissed! I've thought this through well, played this floor flawlessly to this point. I don't mind a challenge, but this was redonckulous.

I open the door, get the last door message...and instantly lose 3 heroes. I'm not joking. Instantly! The room is so full of monsters I can't even count the number of health bars. I'm a pretty quick draw on the pause button after a door opens so I can micro manage my actions and i was no different this time. By the time I hit the pause button I kid you not 3 were dead.

Now I don't min a challenge at all. This game is hard and I like that. Never even tried a game on very easy yet. Floor 9 is my highest score. I get it it's a crap shoot and that's ok...but this was a bit extream. This was a computer getting beat and saying FU...you want one more door? Think you can out play me do ya? Game over ♥♥♥♥♥!

It's one thing to ger overrun due to poor planing. One thing to get bad luck and no dust so you spawn 5 mobs every door...but God dam, when the game instagibs you on a floor you have been playing and judging threats well on? I don't get it. I don't get how one door can have that much of a swing in power versus every other door I've opened up to that point. It's like you can't win the game at all unless you can avoid rolling snake eyes...ever...because if you do its over.
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10 years ago
Nov 8, 2014, 9:14:48 AM
gap81 wrote:
By the time I hit the pause button I kid you not 3 were dead.

I bet it was this huge explosive dudes who you can't properly dodge if they're in swarm. Yes, it IS stupid. Before i encountered them game was fair and my every defeat was my mistake or wrong planning, but this kamikaze dudes just don't give a heck about your skill, you just loose.
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10 years ago
Nov 8, 2014, 10:33:55 AM
Thats why I always open the door with one character and keep the rest about 2 rooms behind. It's the only countermeasure to kamikaze mobs. Ofc there are times when such tactic is not possible... when u just start the floor for example, but I didn't see them early in any floor yet.
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