So far I think the game is pretty sweet solo(Even though some things need tweeking). Multiplayer seems to be insanely tough with divided resources and not being able to trade items and such (which will be fixed in a patch). The different pods idea is pretty sweet. Havn't messed around on different pods to much yet though. Some of the things look like they will be patched that I really wanted i.e. group hot keys and what not. Some of the characters could use a bit of a buff (Butch and the chick with the shadow.)

In solo play it would be really sweet if you could setup an auto use of abilities such as turtle defense or first aid. I also wish they would change operate to where as long as you return to a room before you open the next door you still have to operate bonus (since you have to walk to rooms to recruit someone, research something, or buy items.) I tend to run 2-3 operators and one fighter to open rooms. In multiplayer especially. With multiplayer it would be sweet if you could choose an option to share all your resources for when games are private. That and sharing technology upgrades is kind of a must so you don't have to keep asking each other what did you learn or waste extra science researching the same thing. It would also be nice to see wit helping some characters abilities like first aid. First aid is a decent ability early but falls off hard. Some of the support turrets don't seem to do as much as they say. The Bio healing one says it heals for 100 hp for every monster killed but definately seems to heal or less no matter how many heroes are in the room.

One bug me and a friend ran into in multiplayer we cleared the first floor and his character didn't die but when we left the first floor his character just disappeared. It seemed like somehow I had left without him. It only happened the one time though.