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Effectiveness of Wit

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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 2:47:06 PM
Is there a rule of thumb for wit per resource when operating modules? This has an impact in deciding which heroes to level up for min\maxing purposes. A forum search for "wit" returned nothing (quite odd).
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 9:42:38 PM
Let me dig in the XMLs a second and see if I can find something that explains Wit. Be right back.

Edit: Ok, I know I saw something that said how wit adjusts basic modules somewhere in a post, but I can't find it. I thought the formula might be in an xml as well, but it is not. I am actually at a loss now myself, and you have me curious too.

This kind of sucks smiley: frown
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 1:49:51 AM
I don't know if this is accurate, but I've used those minor modules to increase wit and it seems 2 wit = 1 resource output.
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 9:05:38 AM

That's right! For the curious, the formula is in Simulation/SimulationDescriptors_Module.xml smiley: cool
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 1:02:45 PM
Good to know thanks for the info.

Now just to clarify, if my hero has 6 wit...and works a major mod...he should add 3 FIS? And what about Dust from the merchant shack? Is that capped at one, because even when my hero with high wit works it I only seem to get 1 Dust?
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 2:08:26 PM
Tricksy tricksy. Now the XMLs are in a different directory too.








Ok, reading this: Food operator bonus is "added on to." The amount is "OperatorWit" "*" "0.5" So for Food and assuming other modules, it is half wit.






Lan Module does not seem to be based on Wit. It is a base 10% bonus.






HUD also does not seem to be based on Wit. This time it's a 66% flat bonus.








Ok, Store seems to be different than it says. It seems to be dust = 1/10 of wit. Am I reading this one correctly?



Operation="Addition" Left="$(OperatorWit)"




I can't remember which module affects dust loot. However the bonus is half of wit as a percentage.

So there is your breakdown of how Wit affects your operator bonus:

FIS = Half Wit is your bonus

LAN = 10% flat defense bonus

HUD = 66% flat attack bonus

Store = 10% wit to dust production

Dust Loot = Half wit bonus to the percentage
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10 years ago
Nov 7, 2014, 8:57:07 AM
That is not true.

Adding the first Pal with +2.5 wits adds +2 production. Adding the second one adds only 1 production. The formula seems more complete, as it seems to round the value upwards.

Ok, Store seems to be different than it says. It seems to be dust = 1/10 of wit. Am I reading this one correctly?

Can't be. Adding a simple Pal module with only 2 wits grants +1 dust.

Unless of cource, the value is rounded up. But then again, if it rounds up by levels (from 1 to 9 rounds to 10, from 11 to 29 rounds to 20, and so on) a hero with 11 wit working a merchant should grant 2 dust per turn.

I'll experiment bumping a merchant to 20 wit (through items and pals) and see if I get get +2 dust on my next run.
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10 years ago
Nov 7, 2014, 9:04:14 AM
Holy smoke. smiley: smile

Yep that's it. Getting a hero to 11+ wit working the shop, you get +2 dust.

Getting a hero to 21+ wit (I tried with josh 19 wit + a +2 wit from Pal), you get +3 dust per turn. Amazing!

Update : Josh with 21 wits + 4 level IV pals (10 wits total) = +4 dust per turn from a single shop. smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Nov 7, 2014, 1:52:59 PM
DrakenKin wrote:
Holy smoke. smiley: smile

Yep that's it. Getting a hero to 11+ wit working the shop, you get +2 dust.

Getting a hero to 21+ wit (I tried with josh 19 wit + a +2 wit from Pal), you get +3 dust per turn. Amazing!

Update : Josh with 21 wits + 4 level IV pals (10 wits total) = +4 dust per turn from a single shop. smiley: smile

Should I mention I've gotten a hero to 36 wit? Oh wait I just did.

Knowledge is fun is a great ability to do so with, and comes on several items smiley: biggrin

Edit: Somewhat ironically, I had him on the HUD the whole time, which turns out is a flat bonus that I should have put my 12 wit character on smiley: frown
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10 years ago
Nov 7, 2014, 4:50:28 PM
The HUD has a flat bonus without operator (20% - 100% Defence bonus) and an operator bonus (Wit * 1.2 Defence bonus).
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10 years ago
Nov 9, 2014, 5:25:26 AM
Mysterarts wrote:
The HUD has a flat bonus without operator (20% - 100% Defence bonus) and an operator bonus (Wit * 1.2 Defence bonus).

2 things Mysterarts, first, the HUD affects attack power, not defense, correct?

Second, if it is affected by wit, why does the XML files not say so? Every module except for the HUD and LAN list "OperatorWit" as the "Left" Operand. LAN and HUD just give a "Value" variable and that's it. Shouldn't it list 'Left="$(OperatorWit)" ' somewhere in it's code if it does take wit into account?
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10 years ago
Nov 12, 2014, 10:21:54 AM

smiley: rollsweat My mistake, I talked about LAN module (I only know the code name of the modules, hence the confusion ^^)!

So the HUD also has a flat bonus (18% - 25%) and an operator bonus (Wit * 1.2 to 1.8).

The property to look at is DungeonHeroesAttackPowerPercent_OperatorWitMultiplier.
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10 years ago
Nov 14, 2014, 12:55:02 AM
similarly, a couple other things I wonder: what is the formula for defense? and what is the formula for the score? I saw in the dev notes that it was once 10x doors + 1x kills, but the score now is much higher than that. even counting 1x resources, my score was still higher.
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10 years ago
Nov 14, 2014, 1:15:18 AM
There is a thread here on the foruma bout score. I need to go to bed so really shouldn't go looking for it, but I think you'll find it quickly even with me asleep smiley: smile

I think the thread was called "Bragging Time"
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10 years ago
Nov 14, 2014, 10:03:41 AM

The defence formula:

Damage = attack power * (1 - (defence / (defence + 100)))
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