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What's your dream team? :)

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10 years ago
Nov 7, 2014, 3:32:19 PM
For me :

  • Max
  • Hikensha
  • Josh
  • Nanor

That's it. I feel like there is nothing I can't do when I find these 4 in a run. smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Nov 7, 2014, 3:37:53 PM
Elise for front operating. Rakya for second row or minor choke point operating. Golgy for exploration, runner support and all around wildcard. 1 extra doesn't matter too much - either pure operator or pure fighter alternatively an all-rounder like Hikensha.
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10 years ago
Nov 8, 2014, 12:58:43 PM
1. Max (because he's OP) for door-opener.

2. Josh for back operator.

3. Elise for front operator.

4. Support position: don't have a favorite, really depends of the game. Sara is great for speed and deal with the rhino-riders (and doing the final run & delivery). Gork is great by simply tanking. Troe is a great DPS. Golgy is the most versatile character around.
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10 years ago
Nov 8, 2014, 1:54:39 PM
ShinTakU wrote:
How can I unlock the rest of characters?
Encounter them ingame and have them survive I your team for three floors.
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10 years ago
Nov 10, 2014, 7:55:27 AM
melkathi wrote:
Elise for front operating. Rakya for second row or minor choke point operating. Golgy for exploration, runner support and all around wildcard. 1 extra doesn't matter too much - either pure operator or pure fighter alternatively an all-rounder like Hikensha.

I almost have this setting. My 4th is the broken lady Joleri. I made a women power team. They work great.
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10 years ago
Nov 13, 2014, 6:57:05 PM
so far it would be: Sara, Lady Joleri, Warden Mormish, and Rakya, but I haven't tried everyone yet.

ideal party composition for me seems to be: a speedy warrior, a slower but stronger warrior, and two operators that can also help defend if necessary.
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10 years ago
Nov 13, 2014, 11:44:07 PM
Max - (max is max)

Skroig - (got the best skill on the game)

Gorsk - (the definition of reliable)

Mormish - (armchair general)
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10 years ago
Nov 14, 2014, 10:30:56 AM
rudibr78 wrote:
Max - (max is max)

Skroig - (got the best skill on the game)

Gorsk - (the definition of reliable)

Mormish - (armchair general)

I don't know about "best skill in the game" smiley: smile Red plume only affects one room, and only for 4 seconds, and it has a 3 door cooldown. Compare it to the cook's gas that damage every enemy on the floor for 20hp per second. A lot of enemies have less than 150hp and will downright die to it, leaving your turrets and heroes to focus on the big stuff. Stronger monsters will die to one or two hits from your heroes instead of 4 or 5. It's the best panic button in the game, and among the best abilities.

About armachair general, it gives +40 damage per hero, which on a full team equals around 120 damage since most attack speeds are around 1 sec. The problem is that mormish himself has near zero dps, he's just horrible at fighting, possibly the worst fighter in the game. Replace him with any decent fighter and you get 120+ dps easilly from that extra hero alone, with the added advantage of being able to defend 1 extra chock point.

In my opinion Mormish is only good if you plan on going strong on science and spamming his extra dust from monsters every turn in a big / single chock point room. He would be good in the drill since dust is your main problem there, but on normal runs it is better to run more stable and well rounded heroes imo.

But what really kills Mormish for me is that he has no synergy. His first skill requires him to be in the same room as monsters to get extra dust... while his second ability requires him to be in a room without monsters to give a dps bonus to others. He is weak to start with, and on top of that you can ever use only 50% of his potential because his abilities are contradictory to each other.
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