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Saving Sara (Spoilers)

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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 5:36:03 AM
So.....Is there no way to save Sara when teaming up with Gork? No other outcome that can be achieved?

Because it frustrating to have, out of nowhere, one of your heroes die and have no control over it. I am sure that there are a few players who enjoy having Sara and Gork on the same team (Sara being one of the fastest characters and Gork being one of the strongest), and would prefer not to have to worry about Gork bumping off Sara while playing.

I humbly put forward to try and find a way around this problem, without resorting to "Just don't have them on the same team." Maybe add other factors in, like another character being able to save one of them/break up the fight between them, or add other factors like of example, If Saras (level/Speed/Wit/Power etc) is high enough she survives or dodges.

It would also be good to try and steer away from other solutions like "Gork now dies instead," or "Both Characters Have a 50-50 chance of being killed." This just beings up the same problems as before.

Don't know yet if any other characters suffer tragic ends when paired together, but the same sentiment applies to them if they do.

So please, can Sara and Gork be saved?
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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 7:07:42 AM
Nope, unless you play in multiplayer. This is a scripted sequence that will always happen.

HOWEVER, I haven't tried to pick something like Hikensha and Mizi along with Gork and Sara, to check if one dialogue will override the other.
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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 7:58:18 AM
Actually, it can go either way. In the end, one survives and gets a buff. But from what I've seen it seems to be weighted toward Sara's death. There's actually a 4-man event that can end in a death as well.
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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 8:51:56 AM
Yeah I lost gork he kept provoking sara with what he did on her planet, the 4 man team was funny because i did it with the armoury pod (no more heroes found in the dungeon) and they killed mormish but i still managed to finish the dungeon with just three smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 8:05:31 PM
Frankly, I'm kinda surprised the story between them was as simple as it seemed to be. I don't mean to sound ungrateful for the addition of inter-character storylines (which I love, by the way), but when the dialogue started between them, I immediately assumed that Gork had taken part/been totally responsible for the death of Sara's family. But I also realized that Gork isn't the brightest bulb in the space-chandelier, and he wasn't doing anything at that point besides fondly reminiscing about the violence. Sara was essentially assuming at that point that he was responsible, and that's what I was doing, too.

So from there, I expected it to turn out that Sara's family was killed by some random band of marauders/pirates/whatever and Gork, having been nearby, decided that said murders were an invitation for Gork to open a can of violence on them. Or something else. The really fine details don't particularly matter. I just thought there would be something that made the story a bit more than just "You're the one that killed my family, and you clearly had fun doing it," because I could have guessed that by their second dialogue exchange. Everything after that was just more of the same.
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 9:14:31 PM
In my play Sara killed Gork. Which was funny considering how weak she is. And unfortunately it was on my sanitary run on easy that i ended up losing. smiley: smile

And I am now curious about the 4 man event. I have finished the album achievement, so that event must be a bonus / secret.
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 9:17:26 PM
It involves a character not available to everyone, that is why it doesn't count for the album smiley: wink
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10 years ago
Nov 14, 2014, 10:38:15 AM
Is there a list of all the combinations that have special story dialogue anywhere? It doesn't seem to be on the Wiki...

I do recall someone saying they found the scripts for all of them. Also, is Mizi different from the other heroes in terms of unlock? I have over half the heroes and have encountered the rest, but have never even seen Mizi. Weird...
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10 years ago
Nov 14, 2014, 11:11:13 AM
Voidlight wrote:
Is there a list of all the combinations that have special story dialogue anywhere? It doesn't seem to be on the Wiki...

I do recall someone saying they found the scripts for all of them. Also, is Mizi different from the other heroes in terms of unlock? I have over half the heroes and have encountered the rest, but have never even seen Mizi. Weird...

If you open the page of a hero, it says which dialog he is involved in. Example with Elise. The information might not be complete however.

If someone digs up the xml file with the full list, send it to me I'll complete the wiki.
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