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Door juggling

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10 years ago
Nov 18, 2014, 10:38:35 AM
If you move between rooms and stay at the door place your hero is not targetable by monsters, but they try to follow from room to room. And that make them just run between doors.

Is that intended ? Cause it counter intuitive and it break lot of balance. Like you just can kill anything when running between two rooms with minor modules.
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10 years ago
Nov 18, 2014, 12:21:09 PM
I found this to be a minor exploit at best. It only works with monsters that only go for heroes, the hero themselves can't really do anything either and I'm pretty sure the monsters are safe in the doorway as well (though a projectile already fired will still hit them etc).
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10 years ago
Nov 18, 2014, 12:29:44 PM
Nirual wrote:
I found this to be a minor exploit at best. It only works with monsters that only go for heroes, the hero themselves can't really do anything either and I'm pretty sure the monsters are safe in the doorway as well (though a projectile already fired will still hit them etc).

No they are not safe. Cause with proper micro you can make them enter "danger" zone in one of the rooms. That make them suspectable to minor modules in that room.

And not only "hero focused" there are http://dungeon-of-the-endless.wikia.com/wiki/Silic_Zoner whom would target minor modules if there is no hero. And that would be really bad. So you just tricking them to go for your invincible hero while you juggle.

Without this you would have to deal with much bigger waves and you cannot "rest" while your minor modules kill them. You can stall for smoking guns to cool down. You can stall for other heroes to repair. You can stall while your regeneration kick in (looking at you lady). etc. Without this mechanic it would be really harder.
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10 years ago
Nov 18, 2014, 12:39:35 PM
myrec wrote:
No they are not safe. Cause with proper micro you can make them enter "danger" zone in one of the rooms. That make them suspectable to minor modules in that room.

And not only "hero focused" there are http://dungeon-of-the-endless.wikia.com/wiki/Silic_Zoner whom would target minor modules if there is no hero. And that would be really bad. So you just tricking them to go for your invincible hero while you juggle.

Honestly my experiences with Zoners is that they just stay in the room as long as there are any minor mods and since they deal splash damage it doesn't really matter if there is a hero in the room or not. They are the main reason why my first line of defense has several tesla modules to deal with them.
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10 years ago
Nov 18, 2014, 12:46:11 PM
You juggle wrong then. After I learned from Panczasu's videos about juggling... they never came even close to my minor modules to begin with. I for now always juggle everyone between two rooms where the second one have minor modules. And I checked. Minor modules can shoot "between" rooms. So they can hit monsters following you at doorsill. That's make it easier to juggle.

And I want to add that juggling take time. So after that I have to go hunt keepers... that's when double keepers bug kick in. And it kicks hard.
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10 years ago
Nov 18, 2014, 3:53:12 PM
One of the things I appreciate about this game is how closely it resembles a board game. I've used juggling before but I generally avoid it because I feel it is an exploit. I think it should be fixed.
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10 years ago
Nov 18, 2014, 3:54:46 PM
My problem with juggling were the Kamikazes. Eventually they decide to blow an their explosion hits heroes even on the other side of the room.
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10 years ago
Nov 18, 2014, 3:57:47 PM
melkathi wrote:
My problem with juggling were the Kamikazes. Eventually they decide to blow an their explosion hits heroes even on the other side of the room.

They got nerfed really hard. I had a problem with them too, but now they're not really that big a deal.

(also I thought their nerfing was deserved, they were obscenely op)
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10 years ago
Nov 18, 2014, 4:55:19 PM
In general I never really had a problem with them.

Juggling was the only time they would really cause trouble for me and since that strategy always felt exploit, I saw no problem with it.

That said, I welcome the nerfed kamikazes smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Nov 18, 2014, 5:57:29 PM
I always get hit anyway when moving because of ranged monsters so juggling doesn't do anything for me.

Having a safe room and a corridor with weapons to soften up the monsters before they get to the safe room has been my strategy lately.

Thank goodness for nerfed kamikazes. Though I was still working out a strategy so I could manage them better. smiley: frown oh well.
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10 years ago
Nov 18, 2014, 8:22:20 PM
I can confirm and have video proof that door juggling is indeed an extremely powerful trick, perhaps a bit too powerful. It doesn't quite make you invincible but it certainly takes a lot of heat off your back.

That said, I'm strangely ok with juggling. Wanna know why? Well, firstly, I enjoy the added micro as it makes the game more exciting for me.

But more importantly it makes up for the fact that monsters are immune while walking through doors. It's a really annoying feature which I always hated. I feel that if monsters were able to get hit while in the doorway, then hero juggling could be safely removed from the game. Otherwise, "fixing" this trick could make the game quite a bit more tedious
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10 years ago
Nov 19, 2014, 8:49:35 AM
I tested. And they cannot be hit when they are directly between rooms. BUT when they leave a little bit, then minor modules focus them and they don't lose focus until enemies enter another room. (That's why you can have this close call with monsters entering crystal room.) So if you let them enter room with minor modules and then start juggling you are invincible, they are getting hit by minor modules. Kamikazes + crystal focused monsters pass by, so you can kill them with other heroes and then if you have enough of juggling and slowly killing them with minor modules you can let them enter and kill them.

Juggling have only one downside: hero who juggle cannot fight. But he/she can still use abilities. (Panczasu proved that with shrapnel).
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