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Zone damage?

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10 years ago
Nov 22, 2014, 4:52:24 AM
Why do the explosive weapons have both an attack power and a zone attack power?

What is the distance of a unit of zone damage radius? I think the best way to represent this is with the room grid distance on the tactical map (as in, the crystal room is a 2x2 room). So... how many zone damage radius units is one room square?
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10 years ago
Nov 24, 2014, 11:57:16 AM

The unit is a "game pixel" (look at the pixels on the floor). For example, the width of a door is 32.

Another example, the 35 zone damage radius of the Claymoar:

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10 years ago
Dec 1, 2014, 10:21:39 PM
It does for me. I've avoided the weapons for... well. lazyness in the end. the other weapons work just fine after all. but now I'd like to experiment a but....
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