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10 years ago
Nov 29, 2014, 2:32:52 AM
New player here, terrible at the game, but ive just noticed that when i clicked on the Multiplayer game section of the game i only saw 3 Multiplayer games thats it.

Thats pretty bad for a fairly new game, any reason why its like this? Is this game player base not as big as i think it is?

Or was it my region i dont have a clue, anyone care to enlighten me?
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10 years ago
Nov 29, 2014, 3:02:10 AM
It's easy to make a multiplayer game. it's bound to your region if you don't choose the not have it that way I think,

and the thing is... you can only join before the game itself starts. which means that the three games you saw was three people waiting for other players...

I play multiplayer with a friend, and we have an open game like that for roughly 30 sec before the run starts,

but I don't know how other choose to do it.

that's why I think its' so few.

But I admit I have very little to compare it to.

*and I have a tendency to get booted from the games because of connection issues (?) or who knows what.

so perhaps people are waiting for some updates.
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10 years ago
Nov 29, 2014, 1:52:10 PM
Well when i saw the 3 online multiplayer games, it shown that 1 game was on the 200th+ turn 1 was on 100+ turn and other on 8 turns. but i dont fully understand it.
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10 years ago
Nov 30, 2014, 6:45:58 PM

for me, joining a game in Dungeon of the Endless looks like this.

I can imagine that in the more obviously turn based games such as Endless pace, and Endless Legend it might be different.

Is this posted in the right part of the forum?
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10 years ago
Dec 3, 2014, 2:12:04 AM
It just isn't ready for prime time in my opinion. Its fun but needs some more features to keep me coming back. I could get two more people to buy the game if it just had a few more features. Can't recommend it to them until it does.
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