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DotE2 Wishlist

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10 years ago
Nov 15, 2014, 4:18:13 AM
I wish for character control. DotE 1's SP and MP is great, but in DotE2 MP, I want more control over my single character. Doing this by either making it an FPS or Diablo-esque controls would be great. If the game was an FPS multiplayer, I would make it so that operators must continuously type random sentences into the module during the active phase (when monsters are present), but operators can still shoot (this is probably a ridiculously good and bad idea). For my idea, tactical map is still present, and in tactical map, AI controls your character. DotE MP already has great teamwork, but allowing the players to coordinate which enemy to simultaneously attack would be perfect...

Less enemy count, stronger enemies. The game runs well, but when you spam so many dang enemies on the screen, it can slow down the PC and increases visual clutter. Maybe just recolor them to give player feedback on which enemies are stronger.
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10 years ago
Nov 17, 2014, 4:30:12 PM
I think some of these could be implemented into the game now, especially the enemy color indicating strength much like how item tiers are.

Perhaps even a color-blind mode.
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10 years ago
Nov 17, 2014, 6:50:13 PM
Heroes with multiple types of weapons/tech/armor slots. For examle: swords/spears, gun/machinegun, gun/shotgun, armor/device.

More types of weapons: shotguns, AoE weapons. For example: shotguns, nades, piercing weaponry, remote controlled weaponry.

More items variations with -prefixes -postfixes like in actual crawlers.

More variativity in heroes builds - not exact same hero every time, but with some other paths of development for you to choose.
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10 years ago
Nov 17, 2014, 9:39:32 PM
A dote2 with enhanced equipment and all new heroes, in which they attempt to survive in a colony inside the dungeons, would be rad.

Like, pick your hero(es), start in village. You don't explore it, there are just clickable places, (shop, wanted poster board, town hall) in which you can equip your heroes, hire some, and get randomised quests.

Then, you explore the dungeon. Finding ways to improve the quality of life for your people, protect them, and discover more endless technology. Heroes can be found and hired in dungeons, and game play would be similar, just with even more dungeon crawl/module focus, and much more hero control. Kind of like in dragon age, but with their own twist and different execution.

Instead of ships for game modes, you'd pick different types of villages. This changing what kind of dungeon you live in, how the dungeon works, how the heroes work, and how the village works.

All that said, the game wouldn't have to be serious- it could have the same level of hilarity, just with more awesome.

Basically? A game where we have a hand in the vaulters faction coming into being.
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10 years ago
Nov 17, 2014, 9:45:20 PM
Hell- doesn't even need to be called dote2. Could be it's own standalone game. Might make a thread for it later.
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10 years ago
Nov 18, 2014, 8:03:53 AM
Jinoru wrote:

Perhaps even a color-blind mode.

As a matter of fact it would be great if the inclusion of colour-blind mode became an industry standard
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10 years ago
Nov 18, 2014, 11:29:49 AM
melkathi wrote:
As a matter of fact it would be great if the inclusion of colour-blind mode became an industry standard

For that you just need one colorblind developer (5% of males are colorblind) so it's really easy to find one. I volunteer if Amplitude is looking for programmers.
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10 years ago
Nov 18, 2014, 4:59:00 PM
myrec wrote:
For that you just need one colorblind developer (5% of males are colorblind) so it's really easy to find one. I volunteer if Amplitude is looking for programmers.

Ooh, you can code?

The community content mod for DotE seems that much closer to reality now smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Nov 27, 2014, 8:57:05 PM
I only know a little about color blindness, but I do know that there are several types you can have.

how would one go about taking all of them into account, or do you even have to?
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10 years ago
Nov 29, 2014, 12:44:07 PM
The map could be a bit more detailed. Icons and room details.

When zooming out with the map, perhaps a bit more incremental. Only 1 or 2 more zoom clicks.
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10 years ago
Dec 3, 2014, 2:42:56 AM
myrec wrote:
For that you just need one colorblind developer (5% of males are colorblind) so it's really easy to find one. I volunteer if Amplitude is looking for programmers.

The problem with colorblind mode is how many variants there are. I have a mixture of multiple types as does one of my brothers. I was always told I was red-green colorblind but that doesn't make sense as I can't tell the difference between tons of colors, mostly things close to each other. Red/Green Red/Brown Brown/Green Yellow/Orange Pink/Grey etc. It all depends on the exact color though.

There was one game I played recently where they implemented different types of colorblindness (Titanfall I think it was). I just tried the different types till I found the best one for me. Sadly a lot of FPS games only implement it on the HUD and overlays on the screen. I've pretty much given up on modern military shooters as I can't freaking find anybody. Friends got me to play Battlefield 4 recently and I gave up after a couple of nights. I would do 10x better on urban maps where camo didn't match the terrain and then have a horrible time in forest or sand maps. I kind of miss the days where I could go in and color all the textures of the enemy so I could actually see them (did that in one of the Quake games).
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