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Overly random monster spawns

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10 years ago
Dec 4, 2014, 3:54:37 PM
I really like this game. That is how all posts that are about to complain begin isn't it?

My only big issue is that the monster waves appear to be highly random and you can have your game wiped out due to this.

Example I am clearing a dungeon just fine, no major problems. Nice path setup with strong heroes. Suddenly on floor 4, 6 or so of those naga looking things spawn all together and even after burning all my food in healing(which i had to spend none of for previous waves) i cannot even come close to holding this wave off.

In a game where you have to be aware of whats going on and plan accordingly, why have such random "your dead" combinations pop up? They don't add much to the game because its unlikely I would ever be able to handle that wave.

Is anyone else feeling this way?

Most TD games, the wave strength increases fairly smoothly so that you can keep on top of the monster pressure.

On a side note, if anyone from amplitude reads this. Change multiplayer to not split the income between the players. That is a net negative because the time until you can place buildings is time shifted 3x as far back, and then you get 3 things. This effects the balance of the game. Maybe an option called "My friends are not jerks and I trust we can share the resources without fighting". Also allow pausing as an option too. It works fine for baldur's gate if you are playing with people you know. Item sharing is prety much a must with all the different weapon types. Why not just let people drop items on the ground. seems like your code supports that already.

In closing. Thanks for making this game smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Dec 4, 2014, 9:32:52 PM
They'll tell you it is the rogue-like aspect that makes this ok smiley: sarcastic

I think Mysterarts is getting tired of me posting how certain wave constellations have out of proportions deadliness smiley: smile

It is really hard to balance monsters though when the waves spawn random combinations.
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10 years ago
Dec 4, 2014, 11:12:34 PM
At one point I would agree with you, but I think any more those moments are when certain monster groups spawn that your defenses are ill-equipped for. While you get randoms spawns throughout a floor, after playing for a while (or waaaaaay too much depending on perspective), you get an idea at the beginning of a floor the general type of monsters you will face and can plan accordingly during that floor. Sometimes it is better to get all the spawns in one place and hit them with a few rooms of minor modules. Other times it is better to split them out in to small 1-2 room spawns in several wings. Sometimes you will want the first room they hit to have heroes defending, and other times you want your defenses chewing them up.

For me depending on the different kinds of monsters that spawn, I change around what is lit and what is dark, and modify each level fairly dramatically. After they changed the way the kamakazi fatties explode I had no complaints about monsters. Now granted, the consistent i have from game to game and level to level is generally getting a ton of dust. As much as possible. pilfer, pick pocket, shops + operator + mechanical pal, even emergency generators with mechanical pals and operators if i can afford the industry (and man power).

All that being said I think the learning curve on how to adapt for these things is rather steep, so I can see that perspective completely
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10 years ago
Dec 7, 2014, 1:17:43 AM
Still fairly new to the game... But my 1st game ever i got wiped in exactly this fashion, on level 7.

If it's a thing, maybe issue a "points" system to each wave, where monsters are assaigned a value, and a wave cannot go above that point bracket.

In fact, I'd be surprised if this wasn't implemented already.
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10 years ago
Dec 7, 2014, 4:46:09 AM
Sometimes the enemies are difficult, and sometimes they are easy. If they were always an escalating difficulty based on the floor, you wouldn't be able to farm FIS when the going is easy, or be forced to leave early when the going gets tough.

If there was a point allowance as you described, it would have to respect a degree of random difficulty spike/valley.
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10 years ago
Dec 7, 2014, 8:35:41 AM
I was suggesting more of a cap - for example, I was on level 7, and got 4 waves of almost straight golems. I'm guessing it was just random bad luck, because previous I'd had like 30 crystals Zerg rush me just the door previous. I'm just suggesting that there should be a cap built in so that you don't get a wave you'd expect at level 12, at level 5. (for example)

I haven't been able to verify it yet, but i get the feeling the mobs DON'T scale RPG style? It's more of a more powerful creatures + more waves + bigger waves, rather than mobs leveling up their stats? just curious about that.
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10 years ago
Dec 7, 2014, 8:53:24 PM
It's part of the fun!

A tip that is quite useful, some monsters love to stick to heroes like glue, use that to your advantage! You can lead some monsters around your rooms by "tactically retreating" with your heroes while your module defenses eat them up. Fast Heroes shine in such situations, as monsters are unable to keep up to damage them while they are led on a chase to their deaths. smiley: biggrin
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