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Mods And What Not

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10 years ago
Dec 6, 2014, 9:02:22 AM
So I was curious if there's a way to mod this game at all? Primarily the sprites that are used for the main Hero's. Personally I feel like the monsters got more attention to detail than the Hero's did themselves. While their portraits are nice, their actually full body's seem a bit lacking. I've taken a gander at the files themselves but I'm not really seeing anything. Any ideas?
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10 years ago
Dec 6, 2014, 10:18:14 AM
I read something about modding just yesterday, but it was probably for endless space...

I guess I have no idea. hopefully someone with a clue reads this later.
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10 years ago
Dec 6, 2014, 8:19:04 PM
Currently there is no modding for this game.

A lot of people are doing some XML editing to adjust some parameters of the game, speeding up build and research times, lowering and increasing stats etc. These are things easily done but aren't what people would expect from a "mod".

Art assets and a lot of the things that make the game actually do what it does are locked away in the Unity asset files. It is possible to extract files and snoop around, and some of us have been doing that. But from what I have seen, we are all still far away from actually being able to do "proper" modding, which it seems would imply unpacking, partially recoding and eventually repackaging the game files.

I have a long list of things I'd like to do, but a lot of learning before I can. First I need to learn to do pixel art :P
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10 years ago
Dec 6, 2014, 8:30:47 PM
^What Melkathi said.

From what i've seen, it is possible to extract (and change?) some images of items/weapons/armours. Maybe, you can even change their properties in xml files.

Also, it (might be) is possible to extract characters icons. But animations are still hidden smiley: alder

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10 years ago
Dec 6, 2014, 8:34:31 PM
My plan is to get Mysterarts drunk, get compromising pictures and then blackmail him to either add my ideas or provide me with enough insights so I can add my ideas myself.

Then it will be reality: Dungeon of the Endless: Golgy in the Lair of the Spiderqueen
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