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Question about Dungeon Generation

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10 years ago
Dec 5, 2014, 3:55:56 PM
My friend and I have debated over this some before but could use an answer.

It's our understanding that the dungeon layout, the maze of rooms, are static as the game starts. Though the structure of the dungeon doesn't change, our assumption is that the content of each room is generated as the door opens based on % probabilities. Now, if this is the case, were also assuming that the exit has a % chance to occur based on # of doors opened and distance from the crystal room. That is, the further the room in question is away from the start, the greater chance it has to be the exit. Also consider that the exit can only appear what seems like minimum 4+ rooms away and increases in probability with a greater # of doors open in addition to distance.

Any thoughts/clarification on this? It seems nice because you can't choose the objectively wrong path per say because the exit is not preexisting in a set location. By your third wing explored and 15+ doors opened, you have pretty good odds it seems.

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10 years ago
Dec 5, 2014, 6:33:48 PM
When you first enter a floor, the game generates the layout of the floor and places the exit. These are then fixed from that moment.

Everything else you encounter in the dungeon are random encounters triggered by opening the doors; a % as you said.

There used to be a time pre-release when the exit too was a % after having opened a # of doors dependent on the floor. That was exploitable though; players were able to force the exit to spawn almost adjacent to the crystal room by leaving a couple of doors there unopened.


so at the moment you can't predict the location of the exit because the floor will be different in its layout to previous runs. If though you were to make a backup of your savegame after entering a floor, disable cloud saving and then reload that floor, the exit would still be where it was. If you were to make a save before the crystal run on the previous floor and reload that, then the next floor would be randomly generated and the location would likely be different.
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10 years ago
Dec 5, 2014, 7:21:37 PM
Thanks for the clarification on that.

Any thoughts on what the %chance for specific events are? As in, what percent chance will I encounter a hero and then is the hero itself subject to a %chance to be selected from the roster (no duplicates)?

Might there be an algorithm table that the devs refer to?
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10 years ago
Dec 5, 2014, 8:03:04 PM
I guess you could dig through the XMLs and find some info there. The heroes should not allow for duplicates, but there have been bugs making the same hero appear twice in one floor.
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10 years ago
Dec 5, 2014, 10:16:19 PM
Is distance actually taken into account when deciding for the Exit? (ie the probability is based not on the number of doors away from the crystal, but the "pixel" distance?)
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10 years ago
Dec 7, 2014, 1:12:08 AM
I'm pretty new to the game, but I just has a run where it was 5/6 rooms away, but each room was tiny. So I'm thinking that its' based on doors, rather than minimum pixels. (although that's not to say that it doesn't calculate a 'minimum circumference' from the crystal room).

It still seemed plenty far enough away.
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10 years ago
Dec 8, 2014, 10:13:59 AM

melkathi wrote:
When you first enter a floor, the game generates the layout of the floor and places the exit. These are then fixed from that moment.

Everything else you encounter in the dungeon are random encounters triggered by opening the doors; a % as you said.

Not everything! Merchants, Artifacts, Dust in rooms and part of the Heroes are placed during the generation, like the exit. We call that static events (the other are the dynamic events).

About the exit, its position is based on the number of rooms between it and the first room (the room depth).

BCB wrote:
Thanks for the clarification on that.

Any thoughts on what the %chance for specific events are? As in, what percent chance will I encounter a hero and then is the hero itself subject to a %chance to be selected from the roster (no duplicates)?

Might there be an algorithm table that the devs refer to?

The dynamic event probabilities are based on a lot of different things (this is different for each type): the level, the number of opened doors, the room depth, the progression in the floor, if the exit is found, if the crystal is unplugged, the size of the room, the spaceship, the ratio of bad / good events triggered in the floor etc.
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