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Operating annoyance

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10 years ago
Nov 17, 2014, 9:09:44 PM
One complaint I have is that it is way too easy to accidentally move a person operating something away and then you lose the bonus.

What would be better is if it didn't lose the bonus unless you moved them and it actually did something. Ie if you moved them and they repaired something, or interacted with something, but if you just accidentally move them and they don't fight and there are no monsters spawning and you move them right back, this should not reset their operation because that's just annoying. Additionally it might be nice to have a way to lock a character position because it's just way too easy to accidentally move people and it matters sometimes a lot not to make that tiny, but huge mistake.
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10 years ago
Nov 18, 2014, 6:00:06 PM
This is why the grouping keys were implemented. It definitely was annoying but now I don't have to worry about it since I can group my dungeon crawlers separately from my operators.
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10 years ago
Nov 20, 2014, 4:08:43 PM
Jinoru wrote:
This is why the grouping keys were implemented. It definitely was annoying but now I don't have to worry about it since I can group my dungeon crawlers separately from my operators.

Grouping keys helps, but it's still an easy mistake to make if you're say checking stats or leveling a character or messing with their inventory.

I can accept priority of development, but there is no justifiable reason why a hero moving from an operating area and not performing an action (Repairing something, interacting with shop/research/healing hero/collecting dust/opening door/fighting/activating something/picking up loot).

The way it should function is if a hero moves from operating but doesn't actually do anything and is moved back they should not lose their operating bonus.
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10 years ago
Nov 24, 2014, 2:08:56 AM
There was a suggestion to have a warning pop up whenever you move an operating member of your party that asked if you were sure you wanted to. I like the idea myslef.
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10 years ago
Nov 24, 2014, 7:04:42 PM
gap81 wrote:
There was a suggestion to have a warning pop up whenever you move an operating member of your party that asked if you were sure you wanted to. I like the idea myslef.

Or something. I don't know if a single game goes by now where I don't make this mistake once.
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10 years ago
Nov 26, 2014, 12:27:09 PM
gap81 wrote:
There was a suggestion to have a warning pop up whenever you move an operating member of your party that asked if you were sure you wanted to. I like the idea myslef.

I'd hate that - too many situations where I do actually want to move my operators, half of them when it's quite time-sensitive since I generally avoid moving operators unless someone's about to die. If it only warned when you tried to move an operator when there were no enemies around (non-combat mode), maybe...
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10 years ago
Nov 26, 2014, 6:17:23 PM
I woult imagine the pop up would pause the game. But it's just an idea, not even mine, just one I read about in another thread.
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10 years ago
Dec 3, 2014, 5:49:04 PM
This needs something to make this mistake not happen or harder to make anyway, everytime i play this game I'm reminded how dumb it is and it's truly just an interface/control problem that ultiamtely adds to game difficulty.
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10 years ago
Dec 7, 2014, 1:25:37 AM
supified wrote:
This needs something to make this mistake not happen or harder to make anyway, everytime i play this game I'm reminded how dumb it is and it's truly just an interface/control problem that ultiamtely adds to game difficulty.

It's called "game-sense" - and it basically means being aware of what you are doing.

There is a FPS called Insurgency, and I love it because it has no HUD. No ammo counter, no icon over friendlies/enemies, nothing. Just you, your gun, and good comms with your team. It's the opposite of CoD, where everything is spoon fed to you. I feel that the same applies here. It doesn't need to be changed, you need to be smarter.

Another situation where this applies; The Shop

If you're clever about it, just before you pick up the crystal, you can head off to the shop and use your excess dust/etc to buy upgrades for your guys/gals. Forgot to do it beofre grabbingt the crystal? Too bad, so sad... I hate that, but that is the essence of what this type of game is actually about. Every mistake will cost you. That is the whole point of RogueLike games with no Quicksave Slots.

*** I just reread over that post. Please hear the message (in bold), the snarky tone was not intended.
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10 years ago
Dec 12, 2014, 4:25:17 PM
So this is where I disagree with you.

This game seems to have this split between real time action and non-real time, lets call it planning stage. The difference is of course between turns you plan and then during action you play out your choices. I realize this doesn't hold completely true.

Why I think the operating thing is dumb and still dumb is because it costs you something when you DO NOT ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING TO CHANGE THE OUTCOME OF THE @#$#@$ GAAAAAAMMMMMMEEEE. Things are a risk reward. For instance the shop. You could argue you just forgot to make use of it, but you might also CHOOSE not to make use of it because maybe you need the dust, or maybe you want the items for another resource you could sell them for later if you find another shop on the next floor. There are real choices there in the example you give, but there is no I repeat NO CHOICE with moving someone from an operation to not actually do an action by mistake. This isn't an instance where the game has to guess what you were thinking or if you meant to do it, it is simply an error and worse yet, done during the planning stage of the game.

I realize your post isn't meant to be snarky, and neither is mine. I think it's just a disagreement we have between how a game should be played. Your FPS example is well, you'd play the game without hand holding specifically for that reason, the frustration baked in is part of the package. That is not necessarily the case for this game and you have to weigh the cost benefit of a frustrating feature. Does it truly add meaningful difficulty to the game or is it just screwing you?

I argue that this particular 'feature' is just an oversight that screws you. I argue it is anti fun and for no good reason.

Would it be hand holding to make the operating bonus persist unless your operator makes a meaningful action outside of operating the module they were just on? I would say no, perhaps you would say yes.
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