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Anti minor module enemies op

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10 years ago
Dec 12, 2014, 7:14:19 PM
As the title suggests. The problem is there is just no counter for them. There are Tesla, there are lan modules, but the combined efforts of both of these still results in these enemies cleaning up your minor modules like they arn't even there. Consider the maximum number of modules you can put in a room. Six maybe? So if one was a tear gas and all the rest were tesla maybe, but I have three and four module rooms with tesla and teargas only and three maximum upgraded lan modules (+600% defense on modules) and what happens? The anti module enemies still clear 2 + 3 rooms worth of my minor modules before being taken down. This is absurd, I literally have the defense built for handling this exact situation and it still results in every wave making me have to rebuild most of my defenses.

I'm only on floor 11.
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10 years ago
Dec 12, 2014, 8:01:55 PM
You don't have to kill the anti-minor module flyers with turrets... try putting a bunch of cheap prisoner prods as bait. Sure, the prods won't do much but they'll keep them busy.

During the earlier floors, teslas may be preferable because they specifically target anti module enemies, but once you get past floor 8-ish, the other monsters usually run past the room with the teslas (because the size of the floors are larger, essentially). If all that's left is an anti-minor mod enemy, then Kip is basically better. Teslas may be targeting the correct enemy, but Kip is what you're looking for in damage. I prefer to make another lan module every time any one cannon is destroyed, but that's not an absolute rule, respecting how many doors are left, if the cannon was by itself, etc. Also, if the room is a hallway like structure and you've got an extreme amount of fliers, then they always stop at the beginning of the room. You could have a claymoar hit all of them at the same time for potentially more damage than even a kip can do.

So just make a forward buffer room with 5 kips and a lan, even in a nondusted room is fine, and then turn it on and let em go to town. If there are any self-powered rooms that aren't connected to your base, you can put a cheap prisoner prod in those areas too, and if it's close enough, the enemy will head in that direction instead.

If all else fails, then just leave the floor early, especially if the cost to stay is higher than the cost to leave.
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