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Why not open all doors?

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10 years ago
Dec 3, 2014, 1:20:31 AM
Ok, so I've read in multiple places that opening all the doors on a level is not necessarily the best idea.

I'm not sure why.

When I pick up the crystal with unopened doors remaining, the artifact research jumps ahead, all the doors open allowing spawns in the unlit rooms behind them, and I may or may not get the production boost from all the doors opening.

Is the extra 2-3 seconds it takes for the closed doors to open on the crystal run really worth missing out on the exploration behind all the doors? Or am I missing something?
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10 years ago
Dec 3, 2014, 1:26:36 AM
well, it all depends on your goal. and your situation I think.

if you are on one of the last floors, have found the exit - and can't light up as many rooms as you feel like you might want to

without buying the auto-powered..., the emergency generator I mean. say 5 copies...

you could save the industry for the next floor by simply running at once, and perhaps it's worth it since your production might not be one top

and your expected winnings aren't that great... and you still have to clear the rest of the floors how ever few they might be.

well, perhaps it's not the best idea, but who really knows until it all goes wrong?

maybe the next floor doesn't have the exploding death-enemies that you hate...
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10 years ago
Dec 3, 2014, 8:08:08 AM
Opening a door may spawn waves - more powerful ones if you have already found the exit. You can avoid those. Also doors that auto open on the far side of the dungeon will be too far to be a danger during the crystal run but normal waves when you cant run away can be deadly.
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10 years ago
Dec 7, 2014, 8:40:44 AM
I find that opening every door is a solid stratagy for the first 10 floors. I build up an excess of resources, and then I can focus on rushing the last couple of levels.
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10 years ago
Dec 7, 2014, 8:26:47 PM
Doors open slowly and it takes time for rooms behind them to start spawning waves. Doors behind them [thefirstunopenedrooms] open even later, meaning you'll face even less enemies than you'd otherwise.
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10 years ago
Dec 7, 2014, 8:46:44 PM
I like to open as many doors as I can for the FIS and research.

It's especially good for when you know that there is only one door left, and you can unlock a 3 door research with a single door. Even better when there are multiple research artifacts on the floor for a huge technology jump for the next floor.

Side note, If you are lacking the dust (and/or industry to build generators) to power many open rooms, you can set up dedicated neuro-stun rooms at choke points to greatly cripple the enemies advance when you are running the crystal. Depending at what level you have them researched, you can slow them to the point where you could probably have Gork safely carry the crystal to the exit.
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10 years ago
Dec 8, 2014, 1:19:32 PM
Agasutin wrote:
I like to open as many doors as I can for the FIS and research.

It's especially good for when you know that there is only one door left, and you can unlock a 3 door research with a single door. Even better when there are multiple research artifacts on the floor for a huge technology jump for the next floor.

Side note, If you are lacking the dust (and/or industry to build generators) to power many open rooms, you can set up dedicated neuro-stun rooms at choke points to greatly cripple the enemies advance when you are running the crystal. Depending at what level you have them researched, you can slow them to the point where you could probably have Gork safely carry the crystal to the exit.

Probably not though a Gork with tank items reducing him to 1 speed as I often have him smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Dec 9, 2014, 4:04:23 PM
It would be entertaining if a character could get his or her speed lowered to the degree that when picking up the crystal they stood still.

or, well it would be entertaining the first few moments at least. or if you weren't the one playing....
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10 years ago
Dec 14, 2014, 11:57:56 PM
And then this character whould be useless for this job ever since.

But you are right Rancor. I would also laugh for one time...

and then never use him again... I mean, if he is your last char standing you are *beep*'d
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