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Noob here just wanting some questions answered

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10 years ago
Dec 18, 2014, 5:46:16 PM
So I've been playing DoTE on and off for about 4 days or so and haven't really made it to floor 12 yet though have gotten close with a total of 3/4 tries.

My questions are;

Does teargas/ bio-organic trasnfusion/ suppresive firebot/ dust gen/ pepper spray stack at all? Is there a reason to use more than one in a room?

Is it smart to upgrade and/or buy major modules? I've managed to get to floor 9 without upgrading or buying them in general, all I've spent my science on is modules.

My Priority of spending science is

1. Dust gen, Pepper Spray, Tear gas.

2.Bio Organic trasnfusion, Suppresive firebot, Neurostun module(If I can't find a neurostun module by floor 4 I usually just settle for holohero)

3.Prisoner Pod

4.Everything else

I haven't gave the other offensive modules much of a chance, are they good?

Lastly, What should I do to counter kamikaze mobs? If they show up the run tends to end for me immediately. Do I kite them with a speed hero? Do I bait them with holohero? More importantly when do they even blow up? I tried to bait them exploding with golgy but they ignored her and continued to my room with the modules.(walking past a bait major module i had setup aswell).

Please give feedback.
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10 years ago
Dec 18, 2014, 6:02:46 PM
Almost everything in the game seems to stack. I think all of those you listed do stack.

It can be very useful to upgrade major modules. You can never have too many resourcers.

The Shop is fantastic as it will allow you to generate Dust if you find a merchant.

Tesla Modules are great if you are facing many Silic Zoners that target minor modules, or Silic Bulldozers that target major modules. It is always good to have them researched.

KIP cannons are extremly powerfull if you have excess science.

Neurostun modules are fantastic and maybe should move up in your priority.

Claymoar and Seblasters can be very usefull used alongside neurostun modules to destroy large waves.

Mech Pals are good to have at their lowest level since they can be used to operate a shop even while your heroes are busy.

Kamikazes target the most populated room. They do not care for a hero in one room (unless it is Gork with his active skill that pulls aggro, or someone wearing an Ahrrmani suit or Hipster Scarf) if there is a room packed with modules one door down. As they will walk to the centre of the room to blow up, having a neurostun module or two to slow them down can give you time to kill them before they blow.
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10 years ago
Dec 18, 2014, 6:11:44 PM
Oh ok thanks for the reply.

So with that being said, should i prioritize Food/Industry/Shop module upgrades over my minor modules?
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10 years ago
Dec 18, 2014, 6:14:23 PM
Heya Aero!

I've been playing for about a week or so. Already clocked 26 hours on this badboy, three wins on easy.

Yes, the modules stack. I know the defensive modules and pepper spray stack linearly, I am not sure on the tear gas one.

As for upgrading resource modules... This is definitely worth it and should be your first priority. Consider this... All resources can be obtained equally fast initially and you build the mods for resources you need, so we can just throw all resources on a heap in the long term. This means that the 'investment' of upgrading pays itself back (+1 resource/turn/module) within 4 floors at most. And most of the time significantly less (I'd say 2 floors average payback time).

I think for spending science on offence you should look at the DPS of each weapon, so the attack power / cooldown time. I personally level up the prisoner prods first if I can, because they have such a high DPS / cost ratio. Later on when industry is more abundant, you can start placing down more expensive modules. In each of my wins I have used different combos for offensive mods. The Neurostun mod is very very strong and I use it every run. If you calculate the returns, it's worth it in every room with 3 or more slots.

Mmm... Kamikaze mobs. To be honest I have focused much on keeping my operating heroes stationary and not even run away from them, just heal up when you take damage... However, maybe running away when they start their explosion animation would be better.

Hope you use these tips and win your first game next session! It's definitely possible.

Edit: *Grumble* Melkathi, you ninja.
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10 years ago
Dec 18, 2014, 6:33:32 PM
DeFlow wrote:
Heya Aero!

Mmm... Kamikaze mobs. To be honest I have focused much on keeping my operating heroes stationary and not even run away from them, just heal up when you take damage... However, maybe running away when they start their explosion animation would be better.

Edit: *Grumble* Melkathi, you ninja.

Thanks however the kamikaze mobs tend to 1shot my heroes unless they happen to have over 50 defense or so(hence the bit about kamikaze being a run ender for me)
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10 years ago
Dec 18, 2014, 7:00:30 PM
Which mob do you mean? The green exploding ones right? When they explode you have time enough to pause and heal. You DO lose heroes sometimes though, I think I've lost two or three heroes on every run.
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