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Keyboard shortcuts

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11 years ago
Dec 12, 2013, 10:20:41 AM
The only thing I really missed during my first gaming session on DotE is easier keyboard shortcuts for the various building categories and inventory. I don't think I missed them in the options, but it's always a possibility, throw some cheese at me if it's the case. I like cheese.

Anyhow, with a high screen resolution, the UI gets quiet small and clicking at the bottom and top left is not the most user friendly way to access those elements. Writing this, I'm thinking keys 1, 2, 3, 4 are logical binds, maybe it's already implemented and I just missed it. I'm pretty sure it'll be the case in the beta / release version anyway.

Aside from that, it's pretty fun so far. I'm getting beaten like a nerd kid in a US sitcom, but it's cool smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Dec 12, 2013, 10:33:49 AM
Well, the 1-4 keys are already used for selecting heroes 1 to 4. When you double-tap any of those keys, the game will center on the corresponding hero. smiley: wink
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11 years ago
Dec 12, 2013, 12:06:59 PM
I suggested to make the building-menu like the Grid-Layout in StarCraft II.

Right now it's bound to the F-Keys (which are awkward to reach in my opinion) and you can only open the menu but not pick the items via these shortcuts, which defeats the whole purpose of having them after all.

I also miss a shortcut for the inventory. How about the Return key or "i" or both?

And when the inventory is open "Esc" shall close it and not bring up the Main-Menu additionally. (only bring it up if everything else is closed)
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11 years ago
Dec 14, 2013, 12:43:43 AM
Could there be a "fall back to the crystal" key?

Will there be some sort of map developed for the game when playing in larger dungeons? Scrolling back and forth between modules under attack can be kind of a hassle. Being able to click on a map or even hitting a key to go to that part of the map might help. I haven't run into a quick key for that yet. (I know of the arrow keys.)
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11 years ago
Dec 14, 2013, 3:51:44 AM
I think we need group hero hotkey and hotkey chose hero can chage.

I have the habit or for melee in slot 1 and slot 2 in ranger, so I pretty much confusion if I have a mission that ranger is located in slot 1 -.-

Sorry my english so bad here smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Dec 14, 2013, 9:39:42 PM
XGrimxLimbX wrote:
Could there be a "fall back to the crystal" key?

Will there be some sort of map developed for the game when playing in larger dungeons? Scrolling back and forth between modules under attack can be kind of a hassle. Being able to click on a map or even hitting a key to go to that part of the map might help. I haven't run into a quick key for that yet. (I know of the arrow keys.)

"Fall back to crystal" hotkey - This is good.

Map wise, yes a mini-map is being developed, consult the GDD documents for and idea of how its kind of going to look.
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10 years ago
Dec 22, 2014, 7:34:22 AM
Also if you consider the fact that they announced that the Vaulters are going to get added to ES for everyone who has Disarmony, I think the current exclusive perks are only currently exclusive, and may be released later for everyone.
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