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More Natives? Bonus for Natives..... Also just more non-humans

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10 years ago
Dec 22, 2014, 7:12:43 AM
So one thing that kinda bothers is the fact that there are three factions but out of the three the Natives have 1-2(I can't remember if the guards have the same number as prisoners or one less.Also If the guards are down one another guard. That would be nice.) less heroes and no cohesive ability like Got Your Back or Pack of Dogs.

I just hope that they are going to release some more characters for free and that they try to balance out the factions a tad bit more. There are a lot possibilities for more native heroes. Like the other two choices from the G2G vote. I mean if you take the choices not used you can make an over-enthusiastic Ettin(Jotus) gardener and an asocial Haunt cartographer. Both of those seem like unique characters.

Also as far as balance goes it is hard to field an all Native team due to lack of good operators and the fact out of the 5 natives, 3 are spear wielders. Adding a native that uses guns seems strange but considering the amount of technology laying around and the fact that the crash brought plenty of weapons it doesn't really seam far fetched. And I know some of the natives are smart enough to be a decent operator.

Really you can make some really funny and interesting characters with the native races. I mean who doesn't want to see an Eyeless One with a machine gun? Or a Jotus that can dual-wield pistols? Or how about a an Erycis that has basically no base attack but all three slots are for swords?

Also how about a special bonus for the Natives. The Guards get 10% bonus defense. The Prisoners get 6% bonus attack. Why not do something simple and create an ability like "Protect our Turf" or "Devils You Know" and give them half the bonuses of both?

Also for anyone still following my rant like post, Auriga is filled with all sorts if non-humans but the galaxy at large also has plenty of non-humans but out of the guards and prisoners only Opbot isn't human.I know several races from Endless Space don't translate too well but I think throwing in say a Sophon, a Craver(Similarities to necrophages could just make a nice story with Skroig) or perhaps even an Amoeba inside some sort of mech would be pretty cool tie-in with Endless Space. Not to mention some of the minor races like the Deuyivans and Plocynos. I know it was a human prison ship but come on it is a waste not to have more Endless Space races(Long live the Amoeba and Sophons!!!)

I may be just a bit of a human-hater in sci-fi and fantasy games when there are other options but I would love to hear what anyone else thinks!
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10 years ago
Dec 22, 2014, 10:57:51 AM
It makes sense that the natives do not get one common skill - while they are all labeled natives, they come from extremly different factions. What does a Necrophage have in common with a Sister of Mercy or Broken Lord?

Your idea of "Devils you know" could circumvent that, though the devils the native team ends up fighting are also ones they know: necrophages, silics, hurna.

I have been lobbying for a Horatio mad scientist prisoner. The dev response was "Sorry, I will no longer talk to you ^^" :P (empty threats! hah!) That will not break my stride or keep me down though smiley: wink

Generally I like having human characters around - take them out and the non-humans lose part of what makes them special.
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10 years ago
Dec 22, 2014, 8:55:46 PM
Hmmm thats not a bad idea either if they got buffs when fighting specific monsters. I was originally thinking about the saying "Devils you know are better than devils you don't know". All the native factions may hate each other but at least they know what to expect from each other unlike the weirdos that crashed landed. For example Skroig may not like the Broken Lords one bit but he would rather side with Lady Joleri rather than with the psychopaths from outerspace because he knows what to expect from a Broken Lord and vice versa.

Also we have a necrophage fighing necrophages so maybe a Hurna character would be a decent idea

I actually agree about humans and I would be perfectly happy with some more human natives too! Ardent mages, Vaulters, and Roving clans would all be fine with me! I like about an even balance between humans and non humans overall in the game.

That being said I really wish they used just a little more of the factions from Endless Space. A Horatio mad scientist would be great in my book. I may be more of a Sophon guy myself though a hulking Sophon bruiser would be pretty amusing to me :P just like 2 non humans for both non native factions and I would be happy.

Come on everyone knows they want an Eyeless One machine-gunner :P Passive makes it where the target it is firing at takes less damage but it does minor AoE damage to all nearby enemies :P
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10 years ago
Dec 22, 2014, 10:08:18 PM
You can't have Vaulters in this game smiley: wink

The survivors of Dungeon of the Endless are the ancestors of the Vaulters.


Also, I am currently writing up all my ideas in a word document to present nicely smiley: smile Hurnas are part of that smiley: wink
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10 years ago
Dec 22, 2014, 10:38:33 PM
O yeah :P I keep forgetting that. Still plenty of humans on Auriga though!

Also do you think if they do more natives should they do more major factions first or include some Hurnas and Jotus and whatnot?

Also I would love to see that document when you finish!
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