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Minor Exploit, or, it doesn't feel like I should be able to do this.

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10 years ago
Dec 18, 2014, 6:58:17 AM
I seem to have found a way to (slowly) get infinite food, and it really doesn't feel like it should work:

In my current game, I managed to luck out and get a floor that has hordes of weak monsters (the zombie-like things and the diamond things that head straight for your crystal). Neither of these ever damage modules and they all move slow...

And I have a hero with the Soylent Green trait and lots of HP regen.

I had a room set up with 2x Neurostun, 1x Tear Gas, 1x Claymore and 1x Autodoc.

After triggering the elevator run, I realized that the room was effectively killing everything that reached it -- and nothing was damaging any modules anywhere. I ran the hero with Soylent Green to the room and basically let him farm food for quite awhile while basically alt-tabbed out, and it feels like I could probably have just walked away and did something else for a few hours and come back to a LOT of food.

Maybe this could be nerfed by making Soylent Green not work during the elevator run (no time to "gather the ingredients", or start varying what spawns after a few minutes of elevator phase (so that things will start destroying modules). I can't imagine taking more than five minutes to safely get to the elevator unless you're deliberately trying to pull a stunt like the above. Still doesn't feel right, though ;0.

Might also be exploitable for infinite Industry with Recycling, though I imagine getting Opbot durable enough to survive indefinitely would be a bit enough of challenge. (Actually, since Recycling looks like it effects everyone in the room, it's only a matter of having one person tanky enough with "Me first!" -- and a full party would have faster killing speed thus even faster industry gain. Hmm...). Same fix as the above Soylent Green fix would kill it, though.
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10 years ago
Dec 18, 2014, 11:55:32 PM
Well... I would try. I'm not sure I'd call it exploit - but perhaps. in a way. still, I would like to try it at least once.
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10 years ago
Dec 19, 2014, 3:28:38 PM
I think either monster waves on crystal run should get progressively harder or should stop dropping any resource with any skill.
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10 years ago
Dec 19, 2014, 11:12:34 PM
I agree, and I learned it's definitely possible to get something that runs indefinitely. I managed to get the right combination of characters + science on a Very Easy drill pod game to have 650+ industry (so far) at the floor 2 elevator...

This is with no industry generator modules and just by doing other things with the game in the background. What I HAVE found, however, is the game seems to run progressively worse as times goes on (it's currently eating ~1.5GB of RAM and the framerate is terrible) -- though it will fix itself when I finally click the button -- so I think there's some sort of memory leak that's either cleaned up at the end of a combat phase or at the end of a floor (not sure which).

The monsters do seem to get harder (replaced with elite versions), but there's a cap to that so it doesn't seem to matter.
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10 years ago
Dec 21, 2014, 3:29:58 PM
+1. I think it's a exploit with only a small chance of happening in your games, but it can be totally gamebreaking.
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10 years ago
Dec 26, 2014, 7:10:22 PM
Well I can say if you get to floor three and get seblasters and have Gork(Or anyone with Soylent green) and Opbot you can pretty much get infinite industry and food in fact it is running in the background as I type this.

This would be best if you had Opbot and two to three people with Soylent green because opbot effects everyone in the room so just let him hold the crystal and let Skroig,Nanor, and Gork rack up the resources

lol at this point the path to my heroes is paved in dust :P

O god im stupid.... the exit is past the endless wave of monsters.... i cant leave
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10 years ago
Dec 26, 2014, 8:09:13 PM
Seblasters aren't even necessary. This was with Autodoc, Tear Gas and Neurostun on a drill pod: http://i.imgur.com/nTsoPp6.jpg

Though I'm starting to feel Opbot's passive is a little overpowered even when not doing this, especially if you put him in a chokepoint operating something and kite everything back to him.
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