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More Characters Planned? DLC Perhaps?

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10 years ago
Oct 31, 2014, 1:47:46 AM
A long time ago I read a post on this here forum that probably still exists somewhere where they (the developers) mentioned this game would have 30 characters. I'm pretty happy with the number of heroes that exist now, but I'd definitely like more. I'm an extreme fiend for this game who needs more DotE in his life ASAP. Who do I have to hug to get more heroes?
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10 years ago
Oct 31, 2014, 3:48:25 PM
And there are a good number of "hinted at" characters you could do.

Like the pirate captain who got away from Sara.

Or the person who seems to be putting the scrapbook together.....
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10 years ago
Oct 31, 2014, 4:52:41 PM
TheCrookedCat wrote:
And there are a good number of "hinted at" characters you could do.

Like the pirate captain who got away from Sara.

Or the person who seems to be putting the scrapbook together.....

The pirate captain is already in game - he is one of the existing characters.

On topic, the devs said that they do not want to turn into one of those studios that sell a game and then bombard people with tons of DLC. We can hope for some characters to just be added in the odd free update. We can also very much hope that, if sales are good, they will be able to put together a proper expansion.
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10 years ago
Nov 1, 2014, 5:33:12 PM
melkathi wrote:
The pirate captain is already in game - he is one of the existing characters.

On topic, the devs said that they do not want to turn into one of those studios that sell a game and then bombard people with tons of DLC. We can hope for some characters to just be added in the odd free update. We can also very much hope that, if sales are good, they will be able to put together a proper expansion.

Bombarding, no, but I'll directly admit that I would happily pay for 2-3 mini expansions that added a few heroes and/or ships in addition to any larger scale expansions. This game is of such quality that I would have no qualms supporting it to the end. This is compounded by the fact that I simply trust Amplitude at this point. I have all confidence that they're not an "on-disc DLC" company, that any content they launch was either cut to make launch window or fresh content barely/not worked on pre-launch, and that, if they set a price tag on it, it'll be worth it. But that's just me smiley: biggrin
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10 years ago
Dec 22, 2014, 10:35:54 AM
The heroes are the best part of the game, and gives it a baulders gate ish feel to me. I wish there was more random banter between the heroes during a level.

I don't see a problem with DLC or that offering DLC could be negative, and I would gladly pay for more heroes if they were done well and were unique.

The whole kreyang offer is so much worse on the wallet than a 10$ DLC so I dunno why that is OK but DLC is not.
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10 years ago
Dec 23, 2014, 2:06:54 AM
I'd like to see more of a Ken type character with a setback ability. For instance

"No more thinking"

Current science - 33% (No minimum limit)

(Heroes in Floor) +X% Attack Power, where X is the amount of science consumed * 5

Duration 30

Cooldown 1

and another setback ability..

(Heroes in Floor) Dust Generation Probability is equal to the % of life this hero has lost.
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10 years ago
Dec 23, 2014, 3:11:40 AM
melkathi wrote:
The pirate captain is already in game - he is one of the existing characters.

You talking about Gork? Because the way it's presented, it seems to me that he's not related to her job.

If she was hired to bring him in, she'd know who he was and not have to ask his name...
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10 years ago
Dec 23, 2014, 9:59:06 AM
Matanui3 wrote:
You talking about Gork? Because the way it's presented, it seems to me that he's not related to her job.

If she was hired to bring him in, she'd know who he was and not have to ask his name...

You have a point. Never thought about it that way.
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10 years ago
Dec 31, 2014, 11:42:01 PM
What would be superb would be the release of some type of simple "create a hero" program.

Basically in the program you would have x # of points to spend to allocate between armor, speed, etc, the ability to choose weapon type, what skills they start with, and others that will unlock during progression and an initial look. (perhaps a custom colored one from the various hero sprites already in the game?)

Basically this would let the community create an infinite variety of custom characters to play with and experiment with different concepts and customized teams and really add to the already considerable replay-ability.

Add in an ability to upload custom characters to the steam workshop and it would make for a fun resource for the community to enjoy.

I personally would happily pay for a hero creator as DLC if need be.
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10 years ago
Jan 1, 2015, 2:41:57 AM
So after unlocking some more of the Album, there's a note that suggests that Sara did, in fact, capture Gork.

So I don't know what to think.
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10 years ago
Jan 6, 2015, 9:07:54 AM
Yes please more content! I've become addicted to this game! More heroes, more floors, more events in rooms!
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