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Module Configurations

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10 years ago
Jan 9, 2015, 6:44:22 AM
Hey All,

I was wondering if we could start a optimal/suggested minor/major module list.

I.e. First room AOE (Seblaster (x1 or x2)), Tear Gas, Neurostun), Second room (Neurostun, Tear, Tesla (1x or x2)), Third Room (Dust, Atk, Bio, Tear)

I'd like to see what people utilize for configurations.

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10 years ago
Jan 13, 2015, 9:44:50 PM
First floors are always a little different and I try to be as frugal as possible (which is often the cause of a failed game, I really should have just spent a trivial amount more for another room of death ^_^).

Later floors I generally have a primary module-kill room with no major module, and is ideally 2 Neuro Stun and 3 Seblasters. This basically kills everything. If the floor has the triangle heads that target minor modules, I will put a room of 2-3 Teslas that they come through first (most importantly, with no neuro stun, so it filters out just the annoying guys). On later levels they'll manage to take down some of the teslas every turn unless I throw a hero in there (once everyone other than the annoying ones have walked on through to the next room, or a hero with Aftershave).

I will sometimes have a hero-kill room between my module kill room and my crystal. This room will have a major module doing industry or something, and a hero operating it, probably 1 mechanical pal (if they're at level 4, since the rounding logic makes one of those so valuable), an auto-doc, a defense booster ("dust gen", I think), and maybe a Tear Gas. If there's another room between that and my crystal and I think there's any danger, I spam neuro stuns in there, so if somehow a wave gets through, and my operator retreats, the monsters are stuck there until I pull back everyone I need to defend.

Of course, all of this changes based on exactly what heroes I have. I tend to prefer 3 operators, 1 explorer (ideally with aftershave so he just harasses a bit as they run by him on their way to die), no brawlers, and kill all of the monsters without any hero assistance required (often the heroes will be in the room so they get their various bonuses like Soylent Green, etc, though). If my party is much more fighting-focused, I'll instead have a primary room that focuses on buffing my heroes (something like dust gen, 2x autodoc, suppressive fire, and probably a neruo stun or holo-duke, err, holo-hero), and then have a giant party with all of my heroes and all of the monsters invited every wave.
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10 years ago
Jan 14, 2015, 9:30:16 AM
For later rooms, (10+) I generally try to find a room with 4-5 modules a room or two from the crystal to fortify, while a single heroine with aftershave equipped explores outward opening doors and delaying the enemies return (Sarah works greeat for this with her nero stun type of slow down affect on bad guys.)

For the kill room I usually set up the following:

A Lan Module (or food IV)

Neuro Stun

Tear Gas

Bio Transferrence

Either a Smoking Gun or Kip Cannon (and an extra if there's a 5th minor slot in the room)

If the level is especially difficult (such as floors 30+ in drill pod mode) I generally reaplce the smoking gun with a Dust Generator Defense instead.

I also like to layer rooms behind the kill room with a neuro stunner/smoking gun combo to nail anything that manages to make it past the kill room (with a tear gas or pepper spray mod if there's a 3rd spot.

In the room before the kill room I sometimes toss in a neuro stunner and pepper spray combo to soften up the enemies before they get to the kill room.

Building a defense around a shop module + merchant is also doable and lets your shop operator also lend firepower to the defense, with a mech friend assisting with extra dust if the waves are manageable without the extra offensive/defensive module.
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10 years ago
Jan 14, 2015, 10:17:30 PM
Hmm, I've had no luck at all with having a major module in my kill room, seems like it always gets destroyed in a single wave, even with a couple LAN modules elsewhere in my dungeon buffing it's defense. Only takes a few AoE attack enemies targeting my heroes that are standing near it and it seems to go down.
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