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The biggest problem with the game...

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10 years ago
Jan 8, 2015, 10:14:17 PM
... is that the characters are rude. Most of their problems could be solved if they would just shut the doors behind them smiley: biggrin
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10 years ago
Jan 9, 2015, 2:18:25 AM

You do unintentionally bring up an interesting idea though, it would be kind of neat to have a "door control" module that when built lets you manually reclose the doors within so many rooms around the module. (upgradeable of course to give further range and more door durability.)

This would work much like closed doors between already explored rooms function already, as in monsters will still spawn on the other side of them, but will need to bust down the door to travel through it. (and once broken open it obviously cannot be re-shut) This could prove helpful in later levels as an emergency tactic to help delay enemies en route to the crystal, and buy more time during crystal running, especially on hard difficulty where there is no pause.

Just a random thought on it.
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10 years ago
Jan 9, 2015, 1:37:25 PM
The idea is indeed interesting, but it could bring a couple gameplay problems. For instance, it'd probably break heroes' and enemies (even though the latter would actually make the game a tad easier, probably), or it'd prevent players from toggling energy on and off.

But the devs will probably come up with a reason why doors can't be closed after the player opens them. But then again, how did the merchant(s) and other heroes reach them? :P
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10 years ago
Jan 12, 2015, 1:19:25 PM
Lehti wrote:
The idea is indeed interesting, but it could bring a couple gameplay problems. For instance, it'd probably break heroes' and enemies (even though the latter would actually make the game a tad easier, probably), or it'd prevent players from toggling energy on and off.

This can be easy solved.

1. Doors can be closed only in new pod.

2. Reopening prev. closed doors does not generate resources nor gives time on research but can(or always will) spawn additional waves.

3. Monsters that spawn's in cutoff parts of the dungeon(those that can't find path to the crystal) will try to force open prev. closed doors.

4. Doors can be closed(sealed?) only when there is no monsters present.
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10 years ago
Jan 14, 2015, 7:21:56 AM
It was a joke, not an idea... but oh well... suppose it could work a bit.

For serious matters, I'd rather see a bit of a reworking on the offensive turrets. The majority of the time they're pointless. If you happen to get a rare level without turret-targeting mobs or exploders, they're rather overpowered. Even for the library, my heroes did an alarmingly high portion of the killing. I can think of a few ways to make them useful in the game:

1. Make them 1/4 as powerful, but much more durable. This rewards those who have more rooms powered, and have been careful (or lucky) to have strings of rooms with lots of available nodes.

2. Keep the turrets as they are now, but also add a stealth version of each that does 1/8 damage but is ignored by turret-targeting mobs. Similar to #1, but simply ignores most of the mobs designed to take out the turrets. I'd definitely prefer #1, but this wouldn't be bad as a rare research option.

3. Let heroes have a repair priority mode. This would make Will/Master Hacker very important and interesting. The heroes would repair first if there were any damage, and only fire if the turrets were fully healed.

As it is now, a chokepoint room with defensive/utility modules is just better. If you make a chokepoint with offensive turrets, you've got very vulnerable heroes and your turrets still sometimes get blown up. If, by chance, you have a powered room or two past your chokepoint to soften them first, it still doesn't help much. You could fill the room with major and minor modules, but then they really get destroyed and do fairly little damage to 1 wave. You can leave out the major module, but then you still often have to repair 1-4 modules every single door you open. You can staff the offensive module room with a wit hero that taunts... but then that's your chokepoint with a very weak wit hero. You can staff your offensive module room with a skulking wit hero, but then you still lose turrets every single door you open. And all those problems can just be solved by a chokepoint with some defensive/utility modules and a decent hero.
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10 years ago
Jan 15, 2015, 11:43:13 PM
I'd say biggest problem is it's randomized, so "avoiding fatal bad luck" (such as having a pathway to the crystal created without any minor module slots) is as important as any other skill. But I actually enjoyed the exposition. Figuring out which characters to pair for events, and learning to cope with having a useless party member in order to trigger conversations is an interesting challenge.
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10 years ago
Jan 22, 2015, 5:06:29 AM
i20918 wrote:
This can be easy solved.

1. Doors can be closed only in new pod.

2. Reopening prev. closed doors does not generate resources nor gives time on research but can(or always will) spawn additional waves.

3. Monsters that spawn's in cutoff parts of the dungeon(those that can't find path to the crystal) will try to force open prev. closed doors.

4. Doors can be closed(sealed?) only when there is no monsters present.

I think adding a closing door mechanic would probably be too much work to balance out since the game is built around risk/reward of opening these doors, but you have some very thoughtful ideas on it, I love it! Excellent post.
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10 years ago
Jan 23, 2015, 12:57:54 PM
BrokenSonsOfAiur wrote:

you have some very thoughtful ideas on it

Actualy it was not. I read Arqane post and think it woud be nice point of start to discusion on idea. If people woud like the idea they woud point out it's weak points(Belive or not but there are holes big as a house in my idea) and add some constructive thoughts.

BrokenSonsOfAiur wrote:
...game is built around risk/reward of opening these doors...

3. Monsters that spawn's in cutoff parts of the dungeon(those that can't find path to the crystal) will try to force open random closed doors in room(or cuttof part).

BrokenSonsOfAiur wrote:
I love it! Excellent post.

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