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Stolen "Perfect Game" - Happy "Endless Day"?

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10 years ago
Jan 22, 2015, 9:33:10 PM
From time to time, I enjoy collecting achievements. If I really like a game, I'll go through extraordinary lengths to get 100% of them, and be rewarded with a nice little entry on my Steam profile which shows how many "perfect games" I have. I think I just have 9, though they're some of my favorite games of all time, and my "perfect games" count is something I think of with pride, and means a lot to me, due to the high regard I have for the games in question, and sometimes the amount of effort it took to accomplish them.

Imagine, then, the surprise, and possibly anger, when someone logs into Steam, and, instead of the normal number, they now have one less perfect game than they used to. That's annoying, but that's okay, I guess, they'll probably get over it, aided by the fact that one of their favorite games perhaps has more content now. But then, imagine they dig further, and discover that the new achievement and content were only available for a little bit of time, that the new achievement is basically "did you happen to be reading the Amplitude forums on the 4th week of January in 2015" (at least, I only found out about this because I happened to have been playing Endless Legend and had to look something up in the forums, and stumbled upon a thread about this, would certainly have had no other way I would have found out). Now, not only did this person have something of value taken away from them, they have no possible way of getting it back. I cannot imagine this person, previously a big fan, ever wanting to buy another one of Amplitude's games.

If the in-game tooltip is incorrect, and acquiring this new hero can be done sometime other than this week, or the other information about "Endless Day" is incorrect and it will in fact repeat every year or something, or the achievement does not require this limited-time-to-unlock hero, or it will be generally available some months from now, then I will be somewhat apologetic, but as it stands, this seems pretty horrible to me, as someone who likes "completing" a (primarily) single-player game such as this.

In full disclosure: Dungeon of the Endless was not yet in my "Perfect Games" list, as I had all achievements except the "open 10,000,000,000 doors" one, which I will probably never have unless I create a robot to do it for me, or a bunch of new content comes out so I play the game more. So, to that effect, I am quite grateful of the new content, however small, but am offended by the treatment of the new achievement.

All that being said, Dungeon of the Endless is, in my opinion, the overall best game to come out in 2014, keep up the great work =).
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10 years ago
Jan 23, 2015, 5:18:24 AM
From the Endless day Website: "A mysterious event is starting today. Play Endless Legend, Dungeon of the Endless and Endless Space before Sunday, January 25 to discover and permanently unlock exclusive content in each game."

It sounds like unlocking the Hero & achievement should be possible for a little while longer yet.
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10 years ago
Jan 23, 2015, 5:45:06 PM
Yeah, it's available until Sunday, and then, apparently, never again. For anyone who doesn't happen to read the forums or check their website this week, they seem to be royally out of luck.
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10 years ago
Jan 23, 2015, 5:47:05 PM
Jimbly wrote:
Yeah, it's available until Sunday, and then, apparently, never again. For anyone who doesn't happen to read the forums or check their website this week, they seem to be royally out of luck.

Unless of course they read the devs post about how it all will easily be obtainable at later dates.
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10 years ago
Jan 23, 2015, 6:21:43 PM
That sounds fantastic and great, however I've not seen a post on the forums, or the Endless Day website, or on the Amplitude Studios site under Endless Day | Read More... assuming that is actually the plan and the post is just hard to find, then the any wavering of faith in the studio has been restored smiley: wink.
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10 years ago
Jan 23, 2015, 6:46:40 PM
Thanks. I've apparently never found that particular part of the site, probably because Google brings me right to the games' forums and not the dev blog =).
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10 years ago
Jan 23, 2015, 7:24:27 PM
In the meantime Steph made a sticky thread on the steam forum as well. You might not have found the dev blog but a lot of players never find this whole forum; )

Edit: also I plan to add the explanation how to unlock him on the wiki when the event is over.
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10 years ago
Jan 23, 2015, 8:03:35 PM
melkathi wrote:
Unless of course they read the devs post about how it all will easily be obtainable at later dates.

Or like the devs posted suggested just roll back your computers date.

What’s fun about technology is that you can mess with it. It’s easy: just go back in time.

(On your computer clock in the tool bar click the "change date and time settings" option then set your computers date to the 23rd or whenever and it's earnable even after the end date, assuming I understood her comment correctly anyway.)
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10 years ago
Jan 23, 2015, 9:33:02 PM
You are a person of understanding. Naturally it is too early for the devs to come out and say it more clearly as you did smiley: wink
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