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Real Heroes Don't Pause achievement

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10 years ago
Jan 15, 2015, 7:25:42 PM
I want to go for this achievement and unlock the related ship but need to clarify what exactly is required.

I've remapped the pause key so that I will never press it and have started a new game. However, I'm unclear on whether pressing escape to go to the menu (to save & exit, for example) also counts as pausing?

I've played five floors of a new game without pressing pause but I just hit escape in order to save so that I can exit the game for a break. When I hit escape, 'game paused' came up at the bottom of the screen. I'm guessing that I've messed up my chance of getting the achievement now. smiley: frown

Is it the case that I have to play all 12 floors in one go without being able to save and come back to the game?

Also, does alt-tabbing out of the game make the game pause? Or am I safe to do that?

Thanks for any help.
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10 years ago
Jan 15, 2015, 10:05:10 PM
You could just cheat:

Get to floor 12. Just before you pick up the crystal save and quit. Start the game again, pick up the crystal and run to exit without pausing. The achievement should unlock because you played the last session without pause :P
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10 years ago
Jan 16, 2015, 9:33:10 AM
melkathi wrote:
You could just cheat:

Get to floor 12. Just before you pick up the crystal save and quit. Start the game again, pick up the crystal and run to exit without pausing. The achievement should unlock because you played the last session without pause :P

Surely that's not how it works?

I thought the achievement was to play the whole game without pausing.
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10 years ago
Jan 16, 2015, 9:44:46 AM
Yes to both. The achievement was broken at release and with the multiplayer disconnects taking up dev time I doubt they had time to fix it.
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10 years ago
Jan 16, 2015, 10:03:42 AM
melkathi wrote:
Yes to both. The achievement was broken at release and with the multiplayer disconnects taking up dev time I doubt they had time to fix it.

Oh right, so there is perhaps still hope for me despite having now hit escape twice to save and exit!

I won't cheat as I want to get the achievement honestly so I'll continue to play without pausing.

I hope that when it does get fixed, they allow the player to press escape so that they can save and exit. It would be a bit frustrating to have to do the whole run in one sitting. Going to the menu to exit the game is not the same as pausing at all.

I play quite slowly and it often takes me 30 minutes or more to clear a floor (especially once I'm over halfway through the floors). I always find after a few floors, I'm definitely ready for a break. I'm not exactly sure how long a run takes for me overall but I would be a bit annoyed to have to complete a whole run in one sitting to get the achievement and unlock the ship.
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10 years ago
Jan 16, 2015, 10:40:33 AM
Heh, it's nice you want to get it the "honest way". smiley: smile

We are indeed aware of the save / reload bug but haven't worked on a fix for this yet. As for pressing escape, it's not considered as a pause for the achievement.
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10 years ago
Jan 16, 2015, 11:50:20 AM
The thing is, even if you cheat, playing the Sanitary pod afterwards will force you to play the proper way smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Jan 16, 2015, 1:48:59 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
Heh, it's nice you want to get it the "honest way". smiley: smile

We are indeed aware of the save / reload bug but haven't worked on a fix for this yet. As for pressing escape, it's not considered as a pause for the achievement.

Thanks for this reply.

I like to play honestly otherwise it wouldn't feel much like an achievement!

I'm glad that I have remapped the pause key in order to prevent an accidental pause. I've already found myself hitting the spacebar more than once in a panic! Fortunately, it doesn't do anything and so far I've been able to recover the situations without any major losses!

It's also good to know that pressing escape is not considered a pause. I was concerned as it says 'game paused' at the bottom of the screen. I'm glad that I don't have to do it in one sitting as I like to complete a few floors and then take a break.

Great game anyway. Really enjoying it! smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Jan 16, 2015, 9:19:37 PM
I can confirm I got this achievement while sometimes pressing Escape, and also having remapped the pause key. Definitely also pressed space in a panic a number of times. I think in my run-through, 4 times I pressed space, which was proceeded by the "character died" sound less than a second later ^_^. At least that means my instincts were good on when things were getting hairy...

I did use Escape to "pause" a few times when I needed to take a drink mid-wave, but I figure that's still fair smiley: wink.

That being said, if you plan on doing the Sanitary pod later, that disables pause for you as well. However, I chickened out and eventually did the Sanitary Pod on "Too Easy", and am happy to know that I got the "Real Heroes Don't Pause" on the harder difficultly.
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10 years ago
Jan 28, 2015, 8:30:00 AM
Hmm...got the achievement in a multiplayer playthrough, together with another 5 achievements. smiley: biggrin I've never seen so many achievements pop up at once. It was my first play-through, too. I just wish there'd be shared inventory and resources. smiley: frown
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