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Drill Pod

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10 years ago
Nov 15, 2014, 11:55:08 PM
Ok, I got to the 24th floor (26th now), but now what? This mode is kind of sucking the joy out of the game a little. Nothing changes anymore, same thing every floor, no more progression, no more research, resources are almost pointless now, things aren't getting much harder, but it's very very tedious. (This is on Very Easy). My choice seems to be either to keep going until it hopefully eventually gets too hard, or else just get myself killed on purpose.

How far has anyone gotten on drill? Does it get much harder eventually, so that you have to fail somewhere?
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10 years ago
Nov 16, 2014, 12:02:52 AM
ok, within minutes of posting this I had my crystal destroyed. yay! I don't think I'll be playing drill again.
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10 years ago
Nov 17, 2014, 1:45:56 PM
Well, I played on the Drill pod to get the "Endless Mining" achievement (floor 24) and am wondering if I should continue to get a higher score (now floor 26 I think?).

The Drill pod was meant to create a different experience, but certainly not the one by default; it's true that once you've researched everything, levelled up all your heroes, and got the 24th floor achievement, it gets quite repetitive.
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10 years ago
Nov 17, 2014, 1:51:06 PM
I really didn't see much reason past the achievement since I'm not really that concerned about high scores. And even in other modes, its quite possible to run out of stuff to research etc by the end if things go well. I guess it would help if there was another tier of module improvement to research for that pod or something but sooner or later you'll hit the cap anyway.
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10 years ago
Nov 28, 2014, 3:52:24 AM
I'm trying the drill pod right now, and have gotten to floor 14 as of yet.

but already I can see what you mean about it being repetitive... I have finished the research just a floor or two above,

and now. Well, I still have to level up my heroes a bit. But I'm fairly sure I have a good shot at reaching level 24 if I don't make any really bad mistakes.

The point is, if it does get repetitive... How could you tweak it to make it more interesting?

what if you made the drill a bit ... dangerous to use.

every 10 level or so, perhaps 5? something breaks. (for the next 5 levels or from then on?)

it could be your ability to pause the game, or perhaps your kip-guns... what if you couldn't build any major modules any more?

that would be rather terrible, but also... interesting to try and adapt to.

But who knows, with the potential new monsters arriving it has the chance of getting more challenging. Or are they already here?
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10 years ago
Nov 28, 2014, 10:43:14 AM
My problem is that I haven't encountered any more heroes at all since Floor 12. I was thinking to maybe change the lineup a bit to add some variety after a few floors. But nope. Stuck with the same four. And terrified one of them could die.
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10 years ago
Nov 29, 2014, 6:33:28 PM
melkathi wrote:
My problem is that I haven't encountered any more heroes at all since Floor 12. I was thinking to maybe change the lineup a bit to add some variety after a few floors. But nope. Stuck with the same four. And terrified one of them could die.
Poor luck I think. I found Golgy around floor 17, and I changed up then. So it is possible
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10 years ago
Nov 29, 2014, 10:19:51 PM
Damn. Of course my luck has to be bad... no heroes in the past 9 floors :P
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10 years ago
Nov 30, 2014, 11:57:36 AM
melkathi wrote:
Damn. Of course my luck has to be bad... no heroes in the past 9 floors :P

Thinking about it, it may be more along the lines of my luck being good. Because now that I think about it, I don't believe I found any other heroes other than golgy that once between floors 14-24.
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10 years ago
Nov 30, 2014, 2:35:11 PM
I am definitely bugged: when I open cryo capsules and get neither food nor the poison cloud, no hero appears and the major build slot can't be build on as if the capsule was still there.
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10 years ago
Dec 1, 2014, 12:26:24 AM
melkathi wrote:
I am definitely bugged: when I open cryo capsules and get neither food nor the poison cloud, no hero appears and the major build slot can't be build on as if the capsule was still there.

That is just what could happen in the game. That happens to me regardless of what floor I am on. I don't think it is a bug, it's more of a chance thing.
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10 years ago
Dec 1, 2014, 10:06:00 AM
It is a bug - the major module slot should be usable after the cryo disappears. Whatever event should or should not trigger does not end correctly.
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10 years ago
Jan 24, 2015, 4:30:07 AM
Yeah im up to ~31 on drill. Its got to the point where clever defenses are almost irrelevent cos the crystal guys smash a lot of it every turn. Its becoming an industry race more than anything, then ill just have 3k food to burn through. Feels like more of a slog than anything else cos theres not really a strategy for dealing with it (except for how you initally open up the level). No new heroes and no change of scenery make it a chore - id like to go do the other hard level, but dont want to lose my drill progress for some reason. It would be nice to have multiple saves - it would be refreshing to play another mode for a while.

The cyro chamber is def a bug, best not to open them.
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10 years ago
Jan 24, 2015, 8:25:13 AM
It's too bad, because I like Drill Pod the best. The others feel too short to really become invested in, and progression ends too early in Drill Pod turning it into a grind. Would be great if they could scale it more to increase progression- character levels, modules, tech, mob power etc. Would also be a good area to add new content imo (new hero skills modules and mobs etc). My favorite mode by far as 12 floors is too short of a game to me, just could use some scaling and maybe some random new high level stuffs to keep it from just becoming a grind.

One thing I'd love to see in this game is slower tech and synergies with modules and hero skills creating more difficult decisions (instead of mindlessly researching everything easily). Maybe you have Max or one of the heroes that gives Science per turn- you might want to focus on KIP Cannons for example... Solyent Green skill and focus on Support modules/power leveling heroes maybe (etc). Slower tech and perpetually increased scaling in Drill Pod would be really cool imho.
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10 years ago
Jan 24, 2015, 9:10:26 AM
Yeah I like drill too, but if you continue to scale hero and module levels then the game would be truely endless, and not a challenge.

I had a run if about 4 levels where no module killers spawned. A couple of coridoors with 2 sea blasters, 1 kip, 1 neurostun, 1 teargas, and I was able to sit at the exit with the crystal permanently, just watching mobs explode. Which is fun for a while...

But then the crystal guys startedspawning, and in big numbers. Which made me feel completely helpless. At this point id like to switch out my operators for agiles, but no more heroes at that point.

I think id be a bit more engaged if the crystal guy werent nearly indestructible, instead some of the other mobs were more buffed eg the special shamans that reduce heroes damage. If they get to ur hero chokes they make things a lot harder, and chew through ur food.

I also found I just wasnt finding blue or purple versions of gear I was using, even with fulling clearing levels. Some expensive pathway for upgrading gear would reduce the number of prayers I make to RNGsus.
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10 years ago
Feb 11, 2015, 11:44:47 PM
I also got the achievment, but died 1 level later. Was very hard, had to use the emergency gen alot, unitl I had a rode of sea blasters smiley: biggrin
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