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DoTE Best Character?

Nurse Deena Ratchet
Elise Ness
Golgy Phurtiver
Gork "Butcher" Koroser
Lady Joleri Tulak
Ken Massoqui
Max O'Kane
Mizi Kurtiz
Warden Mormish
Chef Nanor
Opbot DV8
Rakya Pulmoni
Sara Numas
Troe Pekenyo
Josh 'Ntello
Ayairi Whairydd
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10 years ago
Jan 11, 2015, 8:12:14 PM
Let's see if the results will differ from last time smiley: smile Voted Golgy naturaly
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10 years ago
Jan 14, 2015, 7:28:57 AM
Most powerful/useful: Max by far. Funny, because I didn't like him as soon as I started getting some of the other characters, but that was mainly because I was using him as a main operator. But well equipped he's got very respectable damage, is the best scout especially in the later levels where you need the dust, and even throws in some science.

My favorite character though... that's tough. I'd probably have to say I like the character of Troe the best.
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10 years ago
Jan 14, 2015, 1:51:48 PM
I think the beauty of the character rankings is that there isn't really a best character in DotE that does everything for you (unless you're abusing a certain exploit). Most characters are situationally good; it's how you use em. I could come up with tier lists for early game to late game on which char is the best for any given situation, but as for the general "best" character, I can't decide!
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10 years ago
Jan 16, 2015, 9:12:25 PM
I had to choose Skroig, not because of his awesome stats and abilities, but because I know that if one of the other heroes dies, he would properly handle the body disposal... fried in butter with scallions, I suspect.
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10 years ago
Jan 19, 2015, 3:13:55 AM
Why no love for Kreyang xD? I am gonna give it a shot! It is the only character look like non-human!
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10 years ago
Jan 22, 2015, 4:57:31 AM
My choices would be pretty consistant with the poll so far, my ideal team being: Max, Josh, Skroig, and Elise. I think max is probably the best all around character because of his utility, you can really stick him anywhere on a team and he will perform well. I as well didn't really like him once I started getting other characters, not really realizing how to use him right. A jack of all trades, master of none. He's not the best operator, opener, or choke holder, but he can do them all, especially if hes well leveled or equipped. That early boost to science from him can really help you get your resource research snowballing too, and the late game pilfer is delicious. He's a keeper at any point in the game.

I would say Josh second, hes just such a great support. Having him be able to generate so many resources, and boost all other operators is incredibly powerful. Also his armchair buff can do mind blowing amounts of additional dps when used with a team that has a high rate of attack, like a well equipped Skroig.

And I just really like Elise, this bad ass power armor space babe smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Jan 28, 2015, 10:24:21 AM
I use Nanor for the extenders and cooking with gas, I think these are fantastic. He reduces food expense for overall healing and levelling, which is excellent, and can do harm on the big 4 and 5 spawn waves, and soylent green further supports Levelling/Healing requirements.

I finally completed the basic escape pod, I have just kept trying for many games with Nanor and Max, plus only: opbot, hikenshi, ken, rakya, mizi, or golgy. I'll use Troe or Elise temporarily but I avoid leveling or buying him custom gear. It's taken 34 games, early on I tried some of the other character combos. Nanor is also good for taking care of Chimera keepers and rhinos.
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10 years ago
Jan 28, 2015, 10:41:19 AM
It's really hard to pick!

I like Max and Elise for effectiveness.

I like Mizi and Hikensha for their design.

But.. I ultimately threw my vote in my hat for Sara Numas. Because Samus Aran reference. And because she's fast and makes the early game a breeze and mid-game crystal carrying less scary.

Easy early game = more resources to fight the late game with!
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10 years ago
Jan 28, 2015, 1:08:34 PM
Esseb Tarosh + Cook Nanor is such a powerful combination in terms of dust creation. <3

Just have Mizi protect an artificial choke point, while Esseb + Nanor explore and somewhere Golgy is operating until she has to get the crystal to the exit. As soon as several monster waves spawn activate Esseb's Dust Drainer and Nanor's Cooking with gas and be happy. If you find a dust merchant on the level it's even better. smiley: biggrin
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10 years ago
Feb 23, 2015, 8:55:21 PM
I don't know about that! I'm pretty idiotic too! >.>

Oh, you meant DotE characters! smiley: sweat
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