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does Armory Pod have more rhinos?

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10 years ago
Mar 2, 2015, 1:21:29 PM
I've lost both of my Armory Pod attempts on floor 11/12 to the "rhino snowball effect" when rhinos haven't been a problem at all before (I didn't even know how they worked until now).

I don't build many offensive modules normally, so wonder if Armory Pod simply has more rhinos, or whether it was just by chance?
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10 years ago
Mar 3, 2015, 4:57:12 AM
Quick question, but how far have you gotten in non-Armory runs? It may just be bad luck. The Armory Pod doesnt change Rider spawn rates. And maybe its because of your playstyle, which I'm sure changes with the Armory Pod.
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10 years ago
Mar 3, 2015, 11:38:18 AM
I've won on Escape Pod & Infirmary Pod, on Easy. I didn't build many offensive modules in those modes (just tending to protect a replicator or two) so it seemed really weird that the riders only started being a problem now.
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10 years ago
Mar 3, 2015, 12:39:06 PM
I don't think that there's a different 'pattern' of what mobs appear depending on what pod you pick.

I think it's entirely random whenever riders appear/pit bosses/etc. since the challenge is partially the pod itself depending which one you did pick say with the armory pod you don't get to make industry modules while the 'refreezerator'(?) pod only allows you to have 1 hero, things like that.
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10 years ago
Mar 3, 2015, 8:57:09 PM
Every of my attempts at the Sanitation pod has been halted by The Rhino Showball effect, I feel yah.
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