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Thank you Amplitude

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10 years ago
Feb 27, 2015, 6:23:00 PM
Just want to extend respect to your studio for creating this amazing game (as well as your other titles). You really set an example when it comes to interacting and working with your community to make your titles awesome and it shows. While originally I was thinning in patience because of the multiplayer instabilities you did follow through on your word to fix them and I'm glad to report that my friends and I were finally able to complete a multiplayer escape pod together and it was a very proud moment! smiley: biggrin

Keep up the great work,

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10 years ago
Mar 1, 2015, 9:53:12 PM
Thanks and congrats to you and your friends!

Our list of improvements for the game (link) is still huge but we're doing our best. smiley: smile
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