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The EMP is ridiculous.

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10 years ago
Mar 8, 2015, 1:41:38 PM
I was doing a drill pod run to try and get the 24 floors achievement, and I was on floor 22 when I got nailed by 3 EMP's in a row disabling every kill room I had. Normally I leave as soon as I get hit by an EMP, but I hadn't found the exit yet. There was nothing I could do even with my ability spam and max level heroes. I think there should be some kind of change so it can't EMP like that three times in a row. I was frustrated, to say the least. The six hours I invested into this run pretty much went down the drain.
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10 years ago
Mar 9, 2015, 5:56:39 PM
This is fate... as in any rogue-like game. Pure bad luck smiley: smile

This reminds me how shameful or epic can be a quick death in this game.

An option to record and keep the last minutes of a game could be fun.
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