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Deena's Attack Range

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9 years ago
Apr 5, 2015, 12:42:52 PM
Is there a specific reason that Deena's attack range is 5 and not 4 like other pistol users?

Don't get me wrong, it's useful in certain situations (kiting trash mobs with nail gun, kiting zoners with sonic gun, kiting supporters with quick draw, kiting in general), but it seems a little odd that she should have this extra range on top of all the other pistol users.

(Maybe, since pistol users seem kind of underpowered at fighting right now, buff their range across the board to 5?)

Edit: Same thing with Rakya's attack range, since I brought this up: why does she have exactly 4.5 range for a machine gun user, and not more or less? Ken having 3 range as opposed to Gork or Elise's 4 range I can understand, since he's supposed to be more dangerous, but Rakya's extra 0.5 range just seems kind of odd. (I mean, am I supposed to play Rakya and look for a gun with Widow(er) Maker/99GIG Eviscerator just so I can kite all the long ranged monsters in the game? I don't think she even runs fast enough for that...)
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9 years ago
Apr 8, 2015, 2:49:50 PM
I always felt that the slight differences in range were due to the basic weapon category (pistol, sword etc) being just that, a broader category that encompasses more than just one sub-type. Instead it has Gork's minigun, Rakya's assault rifle, Ken's SMGs all in one general category, but all behave slightly differently as they really are different types of weapons. Range is the thing that was easily adjusted with a lot of people not really noticing.

And it helps keep heroes from getting too clumped together.
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9 years ago
Apr 9, 2015, 2:07:22 AM
melkathi wrote:
it helps keep heroes from getting too clumped together.

This makes sense.

As for Tarosh being bugged, I think if his range was changed to melee range he'd be pretty underpowered. His range and high attack/high cooldown attacks let him kite monsters or trade blows efficiently to save his health. He's quite squishy for a fighter, so it helps him a lot.

Edit: Still, I think pistol fighters could use a slight range buff across the board. Please consider, devs!
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9 years ago
Apr 9, 2015, 8:32:29 AM

The global idea is that guns have a better range than machine guns.

But most of the gun owners aren't good shooters (= have a range penalty), except Deena (who has a rigorous military training). That's why she is the one with the best attack range smiley: wink
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9 years ago
Apr 9, 2015, 10:02:19 AM
Ahh, makes sense.

Damn though, seems like they even taught her to shoot nail guns back in the army. Me, I've been a soldier for a little over a year and a half, and they still haven't taught me to fire a nail gun like that...

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9 years ago
Apr 9, 2015, 10:14:19 PM
You should have a word about that with your Drill Seargent :P
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