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Questions about game mechanics

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10 years ago
Mar 24, 2015, 2:35:33 PM
Hey, I got a few questions about the game mechanics, thought I'd pile them all here:

1) Is skill damage (Elise Shrapnellizer, Mizi Hellfire, etc) affected by defense?

2) How far is 1 range? I think I read somewhere that zone radius was calculated by pixels.

3) How may I find the actual time that it takes for attacks to finish all their damage frames?

4) How are resources rounded in multiplayer games?

5) How are stats like damage and defense rounded? (Are they rounded, or does the game just display integers while making calculations with the decimals?)

6) Is there any way to find the rate at which double-attacks occur?

If anyone can help with these, I would be thankful.


How dust drops are calculated

Mysterarts wrote:

Here are the operation priorities:

Base Value

+ Addition / Subtraction

x Multiplication / Division

x (1 + Percent)

For example:


< SimulationModifierDescriptor TargetProperty="DustLootProbability" Operation="Addition" Value="0.5" />

< SimulationModifierDescriptor TargetProperty="DustLootProbability" Operation="Percent" Value="0.3" />

< SimulationModifierDescriptor TargetProperty="DustLootProbability" Operation="Multiplication" Value="2" />[/CODE]

DustLootProbability = ((1 + 0.5) x 2) x (1 + 0.3) = 3.9
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10 years ago
Mar 24, 2015, 4:06:31 PM

1) Yes it is

2) Yes, "in game" pixels. For example, the 35 zone damage radius of the Claymoar:

3) These durations depend on heroes and attack cooldown, there isn't a list of them

4) They are rounded up

5) The stats values are rounded (1.2 = 1; 1.5 = 2; 1.8 = 2) for the display only

6) What do you call "double-attacks"?
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10 years ago
Mar 25, 2015, 1:17:49 AM
Mysterarts wrote:

2) Yes, "in game" pixels. For example, the 35 zone damage radius of the Claymoar:

3) These durations depend on heroes and attack cooldown, there isn't a list of them

6) What do you call "double-attacks"?

2) Actually, by 1 range I meant to ask how far 1 attack range was. Sorry for not being clear.

3) Okay. So, does this mean that reducing the cooldown time will also make the animations play faster? Or, would I have to manually time the individual attacks to find this information out empirically?

6) If you look at hero attacks, sometimes you will find that attacks hit twice in the same animation for a total of two times the listed attack damage. AFAIK this only applies for hero attacks and not module or monster attacks. It's actually supremely useful!

Thanks for helping out.

Edit: another few questions:

7) How does bonus to dust loot probability from operating an Emergency Generator work? I know it's supposed to give 0.5% per wit, but is it multiplicative or additive? I looked in the game files and found this:

< BinarySimulationModifierDescriptor TargetProperty="DustLootOperatorBonus" Operation="Addition" Left="$(OperatorWit)" BinaryOperation="Multiplication" Right="0.005" />

< BinarySimulationModifierDescriptor TargetProperty="DustLootOperatorBonus" Operation="Addition" Left="$(RoomOperatorWit)" BinaryOperation="Multiplication" Right="0.005" />

8) How do dust loot probability bonuses interact with each other? Does the game calculate multiplicative bonuses and then additive ones, or the other way around?

9) How is food gained by dismissing a hero calculated?

10) Where can I find the number of maximum room spawns for each floor?

11) Is there a maximum number of different types of enemies that can spawn for each floor? How can I find this?

12) This one I also asked in my other thread, but I thought I'd consolidate it here for reference (if it gets an answer in the other one, I'll copy it over here for the benefit of anyone else who wants to know): how exactly does the Operation "Percent" work for DustLootProbability? Is it multiplicative, or additive, or something else?
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10 years ago
Mar 25, 2015, 10:27:45 AM

Hero's have a "hit count" stat which affects how often the animation seems to be hitting the enemy. But that is just visuals and does not affect actual numbers of hits. Thus a double jab by Golgy is still a single attack. Best check the attack cooldown stats for heroes to calculate damage they do and ignore the animation.


( (bonus_war_profiter + bonus_dust_dust_drainer) x DustLootProba ) then that is used to calculate Cooking with Gas, Hold the Line, Dust Thirst, Pickpocket, Nyctophilia.


If I remember correctly that info is in the Gameconfig.xml

Room number is a curve I think. So the max number is not set for all, just key points of the curve.
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10 years ago
Mar 25, 2015, 10:58:43 AM
2) 1 = 1 tile = 32 in game pixels

3) Yes, the animation will be played faster if the cooldown is shorter than the attack animation

6) Don't know if we're talking about the same thing, but each hero has a AttackHitCount properties which is the number of hits in the attack animation (Elise holds the record with 5!). But each hit applies Attack Power / AttackHitCount damage

7) Each operator wit adds 0.005 to the DustLootProbability of every monster, it's additive

8) Additive then multiplicative then the percentages (see the other post)

9) Level of the hero x DismissingFoodCoef that you can find in GameConfig.xml (currently 5)

10) In GameConfig.xml, DungeonRoomCountMin and DungeonRoomCountMax (See this post for an explanation about the curves system)

11) In GameConfig.xml, the "MOBS SELECTION AND SPAWN CONFIG" part ^^'

12) See the other post
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10 years ago
Mar 25, 2015, 12:18:27 PM
Hey, thanks guys! Your responses have been very helpful.

melkathi wrote:

Hero's have a "hit count" stat which affects how often the animation seems to be hitting the enemy. But that is just visuals and does not affect actual numbers of hits. Thus a double jab by Golgy is still a single attack. Best check the attack cooldown stats for heroes to calculate damage they do and ignore the animation.

Mysterarts wrote:

6) Don't know if we're talking about the same thing, but each hero has a AttackHitCount properties which is the number of hits in the attack animation (Elise holds the record with 5!). But each hit applies Attack Power / AttackHitCount damage

About this: actually it's not what I'm talking about. Even on heroes with one hit in their attack animations it happens. Attacks can fire twice, seemingly randomly, in the same animation, even for characters like Mizi and Max. The damage comes out to be as if they had attacked twice. It also happens for characters with more than one hit - happens with all characters AFAIK, even with machine gun users.

New question:

13) Would it be possible to configure a hotkey to level up selected hero? I looked in Registry.xml and couldn't find anything for leveling up.
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10 years ago
Mar 25, 2015, 1:28:51 PM
About 6) this is weird, maybe it's an adjustment after a missed hit (because of a "hurt animation" for example) or a bug...

13) I'm sorry but it's not possible at the moment
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10 years ago
Mar 25, 2015, 1:58:47 PM
Mysterarts wrote:
About 6) this is weird, maybe it's an adjustment after a missed hit (because of a "hurt animation" for example) or a bug...

I don't think it's an adjustment for a missed hit. I've had this happen many times without missing any hits.

If it's a bug, I think it's a great thing to have nonetheless. Double-attacks give the combat a feeling of randomness and excitement, and they encourage players to delay healing until the crucial moment. Perhaps this could be harnessed as an official feature (critical hits) with a stated probability of occurrence.
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9 years ago
Apr 11, 2015, 6:37:01 AM
I really hope she DOESN'T have operate just because she's a robot.

That would be racist.
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9 years ago
Apr 18, 2015, 5:32:37 PM
hibaaryan wrote:
I really hope she DOESN'T have operate just because she's a robot.

That would be racist.

Technically. It's more speciest, speechist? I can't pun off this, can I. (Xenophobic? No that's fear. Xenogist? Agh. I give up.)
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