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Bug: Hero cannot move whilst in multiplayer

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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2015, 8:32:22 PM
I was in a 4-player multiplayer game of Endless Legend on Thursday night, and we were doing quite well.

When we got to the 7-8th floor, we got on the elevator, and went to the next floor. When we arrived at the next floor the player (playing Gork) found out he was stuck. He could not move his character no matter what he did. Nor would his character shoot at enemies as we found out. He simply stood there, this statue of hulking muscles, taking enormous amounts of damage from enemy creatures and showing no effect.

While we may have won that level because he was a meatshield, he could not go to the exit for the next level and was thus left behind. When we finished the game 1-2 levels later we all got the Achievement for no one dying in a play through (Unlocked: Apr 17 @ 12:12am

Everybody Goes Home

Never have a hero killed in a winning game.)

While technically true we did leave him alone in a writhing mass of particularly pissed off aliens.

As far as I can remember, Gork was either lvl 10 or 11 at this point. He was a free to play weekend user. Did he alt tab while in elevator and screw himself over? I have no idea. In skype he was just moaning about being lost and how were going to leave him alone in here. smiley: stickouttongue

Not sure if this report will help, but maybe someone else has an experience like this.
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 2:35:06 PM
tell him to give you his hero, then you move his hero, to another room then give back, if that doesnt work just save and quit then reload from that level
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2015, 1:05:52 AM
I my GF had the same issue...pretty anoying. combined with the "you shall not pass" room bug. she was free trial DotE too. Coïncidence ?
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2015, 1:11:13 AM
My GF had the same issue...pretty anoying. Combined with the "you shall not pass" room bug. She was free trial DotE too. Coïncidence ?
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