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Petition Against TF2 Characters !

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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 6:40:10 PM
Hey guys, we are hearing your complaints and would like to reassure you on several things.

We are very happy that the characters have been unlocked during this free weekend: the idea with the characters was to bring a special update with the TF2 characters into the Endless universe. We are still working on their integration at the moment (give us a chance smiley: wink ); it isn't the first time we are making references to other universes either ^^ Anyway, please note that these characters will certainly be optional (can or cannot be activated). And finally, keep in mind the idea was to bring more fun content to the game, not to upset anyone smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2015, 8:17:22 AM

We heard your arguments and your concerns.

However, you can understand that we will not cancelled the community unlock (which will be free BTW)!

I'm locking the thread, but we take into account the importance of the option to deactivate these heroes (even if can't do it for other players in multiplayer games).
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2015, 6:39:35 AM
DoTE is by no means the most serious Endless title. I can see where you're coming from, but this cameo doesn't bother me that much. I don't have to use the characters. I'd say it compromises the random character selection, but using the randomizer introduces the chance to play as a dog with a giant hammer as a weapon.
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2015, 6:30:33 AM
I hope some people can understand that their "immersion" isn't more important than the expectations of 150,000+ people who participated in the event in hopes of unlocking the TF2 characters; because that would be incredibly selfish and entitled. Besides, this is a game where a dog can fend off super-powered aliens - and humanoids wielding basic household tools and gadgets as weaponry and equipment to fight against aliens - the game is crazy enough that having TF2 characters as cameos/crossover wouldn't be lore-breaking at all.

Imagine the bad publicity if Amplitude suddenly decides to back out of their promised "free weekend" goals after they had already been reached by the community...
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2015, 6:26:29 AM
I for one can't wait for the TF2 characters to be implemented into DotE.

I can't really agree with the opinion that Amplitude did this solely for the money -- to "sell out." I mean, I'm not going to say it would surprise me if some level of marketing went into the equation, but I get the impression that, first and foremost, it was done more for the fans of the Endless series than for the fans of the TF2 series. DotE is full of surprisingly fun and hilarious things that make the players (or at least me and my friends) smile. It's a silly game, a nice breather from the serious airs of EL and ES. I think that the TF2 characters fit in well with that theme.

But I can understand the concern of keeping the lore pure of outside influences (even though I think it's been said that DotE already has the "taint"). I think Amplitude's decision to allow players to activate or deactivate the TF2 content is the best solution in this case. I think someone mentioned the concern of still seeing the TF2 characters in multiplayer, but perhaps Amplitude can manage to give the owner of the multiplayer session the ability to disable such? I think that way everyone could be happy. smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2015, 12:24:29 AM
I don't think those TF2 cameo are such a big deal... I can understand some cold reaction here. I'm not a big fan of TF2, but I don't hate it too.

Gameplay => I'm pretty sure we all agree on this : Those characters can add a lot to the game. More diversity (achievement!), more story event, refreshing visual . It's all good for DotE. Can't wait to unlock my engineer, or that minigun guy !

Lore => here is the big "no-no!" we can see on that thread. I'm a big fan of lore, and specialy of Endless univers lore. BUT here is the thing. DotE is light hearted, and shouldn't be taken too seriously. Think about it as refreshing break between two BIG LORE MONSTER (ES and EL)

I would probably be upset if i see a "lore unfriendly" faction dlc in those two game, it could be immersion-breaking indeed. But pls... this is DotE !

We can learn interesting details about EL, we can learn more about Auriga, and next amplitude game. we can also enjoy some new heros, even if they don't match the lore perfectly, they still match the "crazy" atmosphere of DotE. (I can't stop laughting when I see the "hipster scarf" description or the "Sonic Gun" ^^)

Dev says "give us a try!" and I strongly agree.

HOWEVER, if, in the futur we see the Endless univers being "perverted" by some nasty and poorly integrated "fan service" add-on, then AT THIS POINT we may riot and I may be one of the first !

Right now ? Nha. Keep going Amplitude, you got all my faith smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 10:56:49 PM
Well I like the idea. Sure if your a die hard lore fan this may be annoy you but really it's no big deal in my eye. They would be easily written into the lore as a tiny footnote. Like the engineer screwed up with his teleportation pad sending him and his companions to the dungeon. Now they have to find the technology withing the dungeon to send them back.
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 10:27:03 PM
I anti-sign this petition, on the grounds that I have full trust Amplitude will work them just fine into the lore as they have with everything thus far. If you don't want them, don't play with them? Although perhaps Amplitude could add an option to disable certain heroes from being accessible in-game. You should suggest it in the suggestions thread!
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 10:16:51 PM
LordVladec wrote:
For my thats enought. I just don't want to play DotE together with some... yeah, some TF2 guys?! Ist very Immersion-breaking I think.

But I also 100% stand behind BBR91s opinion above. Do we need really TF2 characters? I'm not a fan of TF2, to have some TF2 Characters is for me just... senseless. I haven't any relationship to them nor I think TF2 is funny after all.

I would prefer to have some interesting Endless-Lore characters as additional Content.



this sounds more of a biased view, I mean Sara, Elise, Deena are references outside of endless, but you prolly don't have any relation with them except probably maybe Sara and still like them as characters, Lore wise I find a decent amount of characters in DoTE to be just as goofy as TF2 characters, Elise urge for blowing things up, The ENTIRE criminal gang(troe,josh,max,warden) is like the definition of dysfunctional, Golgi+Skroig dialogue, Ken+Opbot, and much more, theres not much seriousness except probably Sara+Gork dialogue.

Don't get me wrong, my feelings for TF2 is mutual, I don't really hate it but I don't really like it, characters still have likeable personalities, I am more interested about the item packs and special event for DoTE along with the Guardian Killers for Endless Legend.
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 9:35:21 PM
I gave this idea a little bit of thought, and here's my personal opinion. For full disclosure, I've played an unhealthy amount of hours into TF2, and I have nothing against a little bit of fanservice here and there. Now, when it comes to DotE, the TF2 characters by themselves - their appearances and abilities - may actually suit the game pretty well. However, they are tainted by the context in which we already know them (1960s military mercecaries evolving in a goofy universe), and I agree that they don't match the rest of DotE because of that context. If I've had never heard of these guys before, I don't think it would have bothered me like it does now.

It is right that other references to other characters or games (like Samus from the Metroid series) already exists in DotE, however none of them seem as obnoxious and out of place as the sketches that you presented in the announcement. I can see two redeeming factors for Samus:

- The Metroid franchise can easily be compared to the Endless universe in terms of story and setting

- More importantly, Samus (or should I say Sara) has not been put in the game as-is, with an unchanged name, background story, or visuals. The fact that she doesn't have her traditional cybernetic suit on makes her not instinctively recognizable, and I'm not having flashbacks of the Metroid games every time I see Sara on my screen. On the other hand, the previews that were presented with the TF2 characters announcement immediately inspired me the TF2 game and well.. I'm not looking forward tasting what the blend between that and DotE tastes like smiley: smile ... That being said, since @Mysterarts said they were still working on the characters integration into the game, I still have hope Amplitude will work on making sure the link between TF2 Medic and DotE Medic is not immediately obvious, but that instead the player can get that "cool!" moment when he figures out by himself the link between the two universes.
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 8:28:29 PM
Mysterarts wrote:
... Anyway, please note that these characters will certainly be optional (can or cannot be activated) ...

For my thats enought. I just don't want to play DotE together with some... yeah, some TF2 guys?! Ist very Immersion-breaking I think.

But I also 100% stand behind BBR91s opinion above. Do we need really TF2 characters? I'm not a fan of TF2, to have some TF2 Characters is for me just... senseless. I haven't any relationship to them nor I think TF2 is funny after all.

I would prefer to have some interesting Endless-Lore characters as additional Content.


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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 7:00:54 PM
It may be that the majority of Amplitude fans, dare I call us that, may not appreciate that much the integration of an outside element into the very unique Endless universe Amplitude has created and is so appreciated by us. There is a lot of lore here that may be somewhat perturbed by the sudden appearance of Michelin Man among the playable characters or game heroes. It is not thematic. Why not spend the effort making thematic characters? Some crazy, interesting, outrageous, maybe even G2G created characters. No one will complain about more game content that is actually related to the game, right? Just my $0.02.
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 2:22:08 PM
I don't know the part of truth about the TF2 characters rumors but in case there were real i think it's fair to share alternative opinions.

I really don't like this idea for multiple reasons. First, Amplitude Studios created an unique world and background for each of their 3 games, linked to each to other in many ways. With the talent of their artists, their creativity and their own inspiration they succeed to bring something fresh and original. These games have a soul that only few can boast, it would be a pity and someway a heartbreak to see some generic characters from a complete different universe coming to corrupt the original idea. I would rather pick a single new original hero than 10 trademarked ones.

I don't know the deep motivation behind this, if it's a marketing plan, if it's about to satisfy some fans or both. From my perspective, in any case it results to sell a part of his soul and dilute the initial essence of what "Endless" games are. It would be a step in the wrong direction.
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 6:01:21 PM
@Vicarious: Yes, that's true. The Amplitude I know will allways make wonderful games. But the Amplitude that I know would never buyout the Endless-Saga... and I don't know, but TF2-Characters are imho an buyout of the Endless... More Fans, whatever it costs...

@hibbidy_jibbidy: Yeah, right, but I can't force any other Player to not use them in MP...


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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 5:53:19 PM
LordVladec wrote:

Sure. More Money = more awesome updates. Of course. Thats why every EA updates is nearly a Revolution in gameing. You really believe this?!...

Yes, I really believe this. And here's the reason why:

LordVladec wrote:
it's amplitude, not EA!

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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 5:43:45 PM
HuxFlux wrote:
I really don't like this idea for multiple reasons. First, Amplitude Studios created an unique world and background for each of their 3 games, linked to each to other in many ways. With the talent of their artists, their creativity and their own inspiration they succeed to bring something fresh and original. These games have a soul that only few can boast, it would be a pity and someway a heartbreak to see some generic characters from a complete different universe coming to corrupt the original idea. I would rather pick a single new original hero than 10 trademarked ones.

100% this. Like my own words.

Vicarious wrote:
The new characters will definitely draw attention of TF2 fans to DoTE. More DoTE players = more money for Amplitude = more awesome updates for us. .

Sure. More Money = more awesome updates. Of course. Thats why every EA updates is nearly a Revolution in gameing. You really believe this?!...

Please Amplitude, think about this Thread. Don't betray the Endless-Universe. Don't betray the loyal community for TF2-Fan's Money. C'mon, it's amplitude, not EA!


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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 4:59:59 PM
The new characters will definitely draw attention of TF2 fans to DoTE. More DoTE players = more money for Amplitude = more awesome updates for us.
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 4:57:25 PM
PotatoesAreBland wrote:
The TF2 Characters were frozen, and maintained, by the Endless, in cryo-statis. From a time long forgotten.

They are Androids, programmed with defense of the staff of the Dungeon. They've been turned off for years.

The TF2 Characters were on board security robots, reactivated by the Medi-doc.

Seems like there are any number of ways they could be hand waved into the game.

This way you can implement any character, you could even find an idiot story to get Mario & Luigi. I'm not against a "clin d'oeil" like Sara Numas but not a full roster from another game.

Talfos wrote:
I would agree if it concerned ES or EL. But DotE is a silly (and fun) game. You have Samus Aran from Metroid as a cameo. You use soap and shaving cream to fight monsters. You can play as a DOG. Will 4 characters from another game really break immersion from that?

I agree that besides his complex playing mechanics DotE is dressed with a funny packing but still has its own personality and is definitely not a silly game. I don't really understand what 4 TF2 characters will really bring, except some easy and stupid buzz.
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 4:37:43 PM
I would agree if it concerned ES or EL. But DotE is a silly (and fun) game. You have Samus Aran from Metroid as a cameo. You use soap and shaving cream to fight monsters. You can play as a DOG. Will 4 characters from another game really break immersion from that?
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 4:14:47 PM
The TF2 Characters were frozen, and maintained, by the Endless, in cryo-statis. From a time long forgotten.

They are Androids, programmed with defense of the staff of the Dungeon. They've been turned off for years.

The TF2 Characters were on board security robots, reactivated by the Medi-doc.

Seems like there are any number of ways they could be hand waved into the game.
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 3:39:18 PM
I agree its a bit of a sell out. I love tf2, but I'm also fascinated by the universe presented in this game. If they are elegantly presented and remade to fit in the lore id be okay with it, but it should at least be an option. The TF2 characters don't fit at all in the universe just in their normal appearence.
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 2:33:05 PM
whats wrong with cameos? and how are the TF2 characters anywhere near generic? they have personalities and unqiue qualities.
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