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German translation for DotE

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9 years ago
Apr 18, 2015, 9:31:11 AM
Hi there,

I noticed the german translation of the game (at least some of the texts) seems to be made by someone who wasn't a native german speaker. There are some very quirky phrases. What can I do to help you in providing a better translation?
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9 years ago
Apr 18, 2015, 2:32:26 PM
Also wenn du Lust hast könntest du die seltsamsten Exemplare hier korigieren. Dann könnten wir die Devs drauf aufmerksam machen.
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9 years ago
Apr 18, 2015, 5:22:36 PM
(Lass uns lieber Englisch reden, damit die anderen auch etwas verstehen können )

Ok, I will post my changes in Public\Localization\german\ED_Localization_Locales .xml here:

Old (completely wrong):

Angreift die anderen Monster


Greift die anderen Monster an

Old (not yet translated):

Items lost when leaving a floor


Gegenstände gehen beim Verlassen des Levels verloren

Old (not yet translated):

Items shared between players and lost each floor


Gemeinsame Gegenstände von Spielern; gehen beim Verlassen des Levels verloren

Old (unintelligible):

Fügt die Geschwindigkeit \7812\ aller Feinde im selben Raum um $Value %.


Modifiziert die Geschwindigkeit \7812\ aller Feinde im selben Raum um $Value %.

Old (quite unintelligible):

Dividiert die Verteidigung \7811\ aller Feinde im selben Raum um $Value.


Dividiert die Verteidigung \7811\ aller Feinde im selben Raum durch $Value.

Old (unintelligible):

Verleiht einem grossen Modul und fügt $Value Intelligenz \7817\


Bedient ein großes Modul und fügt ihm $Value Intelligenz \7817\ hinzu

Old (grammatically incorrect):

Folgt der Held


Folgt dem Helden
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9 years ago
Apr 18, 2015, 6:26:34 PM

Awesome work.

The english text is partially my fault. The devs asked for help in time for the patch and I was on the road smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2015, 9:57:56 AM
Not too fond with any of this, but I would be willing to lend a hand, or both, to tweak translations aswell. One just gotta tell me where they are located.

(Also, first post ever, hoorah!)
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2015, 12:26:11 PM
Hi BlackArchon,

Thanks for your help!

For some keys, like SharedInventoryPanelDescription, we have a very limited space (about 50 char for this one for example)...
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2015, 12:42:14 PM
I'd rather use "Teilt" instead of "Dividiert". While both are - technically - correct, "Teilt" seems more natural to use than "Dividiert". The latter sounds so...bureaucratic.

P.S.: Also, regarding SharedInventoryPanelDescription:

"Gemeinsame Gegenstände; werden nicht mitgenommen"

I think it's pretty clear and it's only 48 characters long.
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2015, 2:54:02 PM
Mysterarts wrote:
Hi BlackArchon,

Thanks for your help!

For some keys, like SharedInventoryPanelDescription, we have a very limited space (about 50 char for this one for example)...
Ok, are there other length-limited text keys?

Wickermoon's suggestion is also fine, use this please.
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2015, 3:57:39 PM
We have the same space for InventoryPanelDescription (your suggestion fits exactly ^^) but no limitation for the other keys!

Thank you wickermoon for your suggestion smiley: smile
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