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DotE Multiplayer too easy?

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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2015, 9:02:52 PM
In my experience single player is much, much harder for one simple reason: Resources.

In single player, you have to manage what you build and why. You have to think about what factory you'll make or what guns to place.

In multiplayer, this simply isn't the case. IN multiplayer you don't pool resources, you only share income amount. THis allows you to have four times as much industry, science, and food. It even effects dust! Why bother skipping that container that gives out dust for industry? We have a couple hundred.

We cleared every room of every level except the last and were putting guns and factories willy nilly.

We were all level 11 towards the end with bunches of food left over for healing. We had the best gear traders could sell us. We filled nearly an entire floor with guns for the hell of it.

I'm sure giving the party leader the only resources would be a recipe for a nightmare, but maybe drop down resource production on 4 player co-op?
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 8:08:08 AM

Which difficulty do you play?

Indeed, the income gain is divided smiley: wink
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 2:02:00 PM
MP has some advantages over SP in terms of research, income rounding, more starting heroes (potentially) etc, but the lack of pausing is a huge handicap. I'd consider single player easier overall.
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2015, 4:57:32 PM
Interceptor402 wrote:
MP has some advantages over SP in terms of research, income rounding, more starting heroes (potentially) etc, but the lack of pausing is a huge handicap. I'd consider single player easier overall.

You don't need to pause in most situations as you're only focusing on one thing, rather than an army of multiple. If you're carrying crystal all you need to do is click the exit and sit back.
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2015, 12:36:26 PM
Interceptor402 wrote:
MP has some advantages over SP in terms of research, income rounding, more starting heroes (potentially) etc, but the lack of pausing is a huge handicap. I'd consider single player easier overall.

Actually, income rounding is working against you in multiplayer. As soon as you up your income by to an amount not dividable by the number of players, income is getting lost or at least divided into fragments of 1. In case of income loss that's a clear disadvantage, in case of floating point number division, the income is delayed, which is - at the very least - a slight disadvantage. And up until the latest patch, research was another disadvantage in my opinion (fortunately that's gone now).

The lack of pausing is a handicap, I agree, but I don't think it's as huge as some might think.

edit: I just read that income is rounded up, but I'm pretty sure that if you get 4 resources in a 3-man multiplayer-game, the fourth resource vanishes. I might remember it incorrectly, though.
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2015, 1:40:57 PM
i think the 1st few lvls of multiplayer is wonky, its like me playing refreezerator pod cuz everyones dead or making things difficult and not talking. But no fear, TROE is here to do all the work.
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2015, 2:34:15 PM
I personally find multiplayer to be punishing people who do not have a 4-man team. Here are my reasons:-

a) No players can casually hop into a game once a player in the team leaves (apparently the host can recreate the game and invite the players back, but seriously who adds random pubs? The current save game option is running on the premise that all of us will be playing with friends instead of pubs)

b) The User Interface is not multiplayer-friendly (Can't see what your allies are wearing. Can't see items in merchant when an ally goes to it. Can't see research options when ally goes there. Can't ping to tell allies where to build.

Right now it's single player for me =(
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9 years ago
Apr 21, 2015, 10:43:37 PM
DjBlades wrote:
You don't need to pause in most situations as you're only focusing on one thing, rather than an army of multiple. If you're carrying crystal all you need to do is click the exit and sit back.

This is true when you're playing Very Easy or you're in a Carebear pod, but things quickly get out of control in harder scenarios. There are a lot of clever micro-management techniques that you can use to pull your dust out of the Chimera Keeper in a pinch, so to speak, but many of them aren't really viable if you can't pause the action. It does help that there are multiple brains working together in MP, but good synergy is harder in real time.

Single player has no ceiling other than what you can think to execute.
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9 years ago
Apr 23, 2015, 5:56:12 AM
I also think that there is some imbalance in the ressource system.

I think that it will always be rounded up. i.e. In a 4 player game if you get 9 Ressources from modules (3 lvl 1 of same type) Everyone gets +3. That equals 12 Ressources. When you build your 4th module you still get +3 on everyone. (usually you dont build 4 of the same but you could also get those numbers by operating)

In Addition in the current system the Mechanical Pals are very situational (if you get +5 in a 4 player game everyone gets +2 = 8; when you build 3 Pals you still get +2)

For this problem I see two solutions:

1. Share the ressource pool. (probably very easy to do, might bring some arguing especially in random pubs)

2. Allow fraction gains on reccources (this seems like the better solution. You also get more information about your current productions; i.e. with 4 players and 5 ind each gets 1,25 Ind, or 4 ind and 3 players each gets 1.34; is such a system implementable?)

What do you think?
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9 years ago
Apr 23, 2015, 10:01:54 PM
macibi wrote:
Can't see items in merchant when an ally goes to it.

You can smiley: wink

As for the main topic, it's not too easy. Your resources are cut and divided among people, not multiplied. I don't think it needs to be any harder, it'll be merciless to people who don't know what they're doing.
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