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Chips. I mean... Ships

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9 years ago
Apr 24, 2015, 12:22:35 AM
I remember reading a review of this game in which one of the main complains of the reviewer was how pointless the ships were. Adding so little variance to the core game fooling into thinking the game is deeper than really is.

Well... after trying (nearly) all of them, I can´t disagree more.

I tend to rely only on heroes and prod when playing on too easy, I found that the quickest and easiest way of winning the game, Little else have to be added to win on easy too.

Trying the other ships FORCE you to change your confort gameplay. So you have to use much more the modules or try new ones you never found useful, developing new and fresh strategies...

That changes everything from that moment on, and wouldn´t be possible with only the main game mode.

I´m sure this isn´t news for anyone.. but I wanted to say it out loud.

smiley: wink

By the way 4 new heroes are good news whoever they are, can´t wait to try new content here.
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9 years ago
Apr 24, 2015, 8:08:30 AM
Hi odomi2,

Thanks for saying it ^^ And we're working on new challenges!
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